Merry Christmas to ALL!     and Part III   Rocks, dirt, and mud insect nests

Merry Christmas to ALL! and Part III Rocks, dirt, and mud insect nests

I hope everyone gets time to celebrate nature this holiday season.  These are the last of the photos from Tuesday’s adventure. First big petrified wood! But wait…there was second big chunk of petrified wood further along! I like this photo because of the rainbow glare surrounding the sandstone. The honeycomb rocks were cool in the…

Part II…Continuing on with yesterday grasslands adventure!

Part II…Continuing on with yesterday grasslands adventure!

  Crustose lichen with moss. Some crustose lichens have their fruiting bodies embedded in the thallus (the pale white-green warty crust in this case) that are called apothecia. The apothecia can either be cup or disk-like. There are many variations to thallus and fruiting bodies which can be pretty confusing. Another pareidolia…wood debris that looked…

Unit 55 and the CHRISTMAS KISS!

Unit 55 and the CHRISTMAS KISS!

Yesterday afternoon, Gracie and I went over to Unit 55/Rucker’s Pond. It was a so pretty out. Here is some of what we saw. Woodsia fern (Woodsia obtusa) The fruticose lichen that is shrubby-like is Ramalina celastri. The other lichens are foliose lichens. There was this cool Post Oak limb that made for the perfect bench. Mosses shone…



 In case you missed it this morning. I had to take Gracie out for her business earlier than usual and was treated to this sunrise. I can’t resist taking a photo when it is this pretty. This sap on the Common Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) was so black and shiny. We had trimmed the tree in the…

Bird poop

Bird poop

Bird poop on the Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana). This one is about 6 mm (1/4″). So it is pretty small and sorta look like a caterpillar don’t you think?  This bird poop is about 15mm (1/2″). It has a bit more color. The Giant Swallowtail caterpillar is one that mimics bird droppings. Adult moths…

Brown trees?

Brown trees?

  From a distance the majority of trees’ bark appear more gray to black like this willow or oak trees than brown in my opinion. Yes, I can see some browns in them too, but the overall appearance to me is grayish. So why do most kids color them brown? I have a theory that…