A couple of cats
Here are some more of the grasslands finds!

Interesting to see how the beavers gnawed on the tree and how the tree is healing.

New Cedar Elm leaves are colorful!

Back of a new Post Oak leaf. If you have a chance, take a close up look at the hairs on the back of the leaf. They are in a star like pattern.

Old cardinal nest in a Eastern Red Cedar. Not sure I have ever a cardinal nest in a cedar before.

Witches’-butter (Tremella mesenterica)!

Woods Ear (Auricularia species) mushrooms. I love the velvety look!

This was such a pretty one with the foliose lichen.

Shelf fungus making itself at home in the tree’s wound.

Gracie can be counted on to find treasures!

Here is the treasure!

I believe this is Small Phigalia (Phigalia strigataria). We found them on a Redbud. It was not what I was looking to find.

This cat I do not know what it is. But it had a black mask. I will find out its name sooner or later. It was also on the Redbud. The caterpillar that I had hope to find was the Henry’s Elfin. No luck that day, but there is always tomorrow 😉
Keep looking!
Good job Gracie and cool cats and fungi!
The woods ear with lichen kinda looks like a skull
Judy, I agree!