Becker Prairie and Garnett Preserve
What a delightful time was had by all the prairie friends! First up the Becker Prairie.

Becker Prairie Shooting Star!

A nice cluster of Blue-eyed Grass!

Alan took this great shot of the Celestials!

Locoweed (Oxytrois lambertii) seen along the roadside on the way to the Garnett Preserve! Such a pretty plant!

Next stop was the Garnett Preserve!

The yellow Indian Paintbrush!

Plains Nipple Cactus (Escobaria missouriensis) red fruit was still there. Shirley always told me the fruit does not last long because of the critters. So it is special to see it this late especially!

Pink Indian Paintbrush and Engelmann’s Bladderpod (Physaria engelmannii)!

Skullcap was just getting started!

A few of the Cymopterus still had seed heads.

Not sure which kind of Asteraceae flower this belongs too, but sure was stunning.

Some of the prairie friends. Thanks Alan for the photo.

Another shot by Alan!
Good to have such a great group! Thanks to everyone for sharing!
It was a glorious prairie day!
Cymopterus seedhead is cute!