

Low temp was 42.3 and high was 50.9 degrees today. At 5:54 pm we have gotten .38″ of rain. Yahoo!  Here is the last of grasslands photos from Feb 23th. We mostly were walking under a grove of cedars. Several of the fallen cedars were covered in moss. I got all excited when I first…

Octopus roots

Octopus roots

I have divided up the rest of the grasslands outing photos into two posts, one for today and another for the next post.  This was cool gnarl. I see a head with arms wrapping around in a cloak. A nice knot hole. It was completely see-thru! This was my favorite tree roots of the day!…

My prediction

My prediction

 Well, my prediction was right that I made yesterday 🙂 The Spring Beauty did bloom! A Tiny Bluet (Houstonia pusilla) was open for business too! Kinda surprise to see the frost this morning. Not sure why since the low was 23.3 degrees. Frost/ice on the concrete. 8:30am. 2:30pm and 57 degrees. This little patch of…

Iron oxidizing bacteria

Iron oxidizing bacteria

 So happy it is warming up today and all sunshine!  To change it up it up a bit, here is the iron oxidizing bacteria sample I collected… This is from the Feb 8th outing at the grasslands. It took me several days of looking under the microscope to go thru the whole sample. And the…



Continuing on with Tuesday’s grassland visit… Possumhaw. Bushy Bluestem. It likes the wet areas. The sandstone is just wonderful! It is like a sun! Beautiful reds. You can’t see too much of these colors? I would say not. 🙂 I can see a cat’s face in here. Back further from the cat face. Colors are…

Chien-Shiung Wu

Chien-Shiung Wu

 Luckily, we did not get any more precipitation last night. So here goes, a continuation of the Feb 8th outing. Gracie found a treasure! Hard to get a picture as Gracie said it was hers LOL. Holes in the tree look like it would make a good home. This big ole tree looked like it…



Pausing on the Tuesday’s grasslands photos.  The ice today wins 🙂   Our temperature ranged from 25 to 29 with a 91% humidity. I did see 3-4 flakes of snow in our woods at 11-ish.  The sidewalk had this ice on it early this morning! The field and the neighbor’s haybales were getting ice on them….

Cold is here!

Cold is here!

 Our high today was midnight at 32.5 degrees. We never got above 29 during daylight hours. Really glad we went to the grasslands yesterday.  With the mist this morning, we had a bit of ice on our gate. Hopefully that is all we get. Continuing on with yesterday’s grasslands photos. C Cool almost silvery moss….