Iron oxidizing bacteria

 So happy it is warming up today and all sunshine!  To change it up it up a bit, here is the iron oxidizing bacteria sample I collected…

This is from the Feb 8th outing at the grasslands. It took me several days of looking under the microscope to go thru the whole sample. And the sample was very tiny. Maybe a eighth of teaspoon. Not sure at all what some of the stuff is, but it is very interesting. I love looking. It is like finding treasures. 

Iron-oxidizing bacteria.

Another spot of the bacteria.

This is to show how the sheen is not an oil. If it was oil it would not break up. Biofilm produced by the bacteria.
After a day and half I came across this creature!

Close view. Looks like it has pinchers! It might be a kind of rotifer or not.
Not sure if this is a seed or creature or what. But I love it.!

Different colors of stuff. It is so beautiful.

Closer view. No clue what it is.

Another one of I have no idea.

I was looking at the thing that looks a mushroom shape near the center. Maybe a protozoa; they do come in many shapes and sizes and feed on organic matter such as other microorganisms or organic tissues and debris. Source: Wikipedia.
This I found out was diatom. I found quite a few of them. Diatoms generate 20 to 50% of the oxygen for our planet. Pretty important stuff for being so small.

This one looks like a double one. I wonder if it is getting ready to divide??

This was a fun to find. It is a nematode! I was excited to find it as I have been wanting to see one.

One end of the nematode.

The other end.

Another pinkish strand of something.

I found these sheets of stuff. I wonder if part of a plant. Don’t know. Maybe in future readings I will find out. Or maybe one of the scientists will know?

I’m not sure what this is for sure, but I did find some similar photos on the internet that this could be the iron oxidizing bacteria. The dark short ones…maybe Leptohrix ochracea. I found a place that said filament of rod-shaped cells can be coated by a fluffy layer of iron deposits. 

Stuff I saw.

This is diatom at 1000X.

Some kind of membrane. Looks a bit like a part of a moss leaf.

Another diatom with the size. 400X

Another double diatom.

This diatom is almost hidden. 

Diatom are usually under 200 microns.

A blueish something.

A long nematode.

The other end.

I found this nematode really jumping about. Pretty cool!  You never know what is going to be lurking under the microscope!
The snow has really melted today! Low this morning was 8.6 degrees. High was 40.5 degrees. So happy it is warming up again!
A nightshade fruit in a lingering patch of snow.

Hardy Henbit!

Well, the Spring Beauty has survived. I bet it opens up tomorrow!

Keep looking!


  1. So cool!! I know one person I can ask about diatoms but I'll have to think on the bacteria/general underwater scope life.

  2. Love the diatoms and the rotifer like guy.
    Did you collect a sample of that water in a container and store it anyway special or just set on your table until you had time to investigate?
    Really neat stuff.

  3. Kathy, Yes I collected a sample of the orange guck in a pill bottle (like you get from the pharmacy). I have carried many a critter in a pill bottle home. And then when I get in the mood which could be next day or several days before I get to it.

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