Spider webs and stuff

On this morning walk, the spider web is what caught my eye first. The funnel spider webs were most interesting to me on the thickness and where they put them. I wondered how spiders catch something when some have such visible webs. At least a lot of them are so visible to us. Then I…

Two cats and a dog

Two cats and a dog

Yesterday was such a cool morning! I just had to go for a hike at the grasslands. It was perfect weather. Articles: Smelling in Stereo: The Real Reason Snakes Have Flicking, Forked Tongues Smaller Bodies, Longer Wings, Earlier Migrations: Untangling the Multiple Impacts of Climate Warming on Birds Two cats and Gracie! What fun! Keep…

On the Bois D’arc

On the Bois D’arc

We have this one particular Bois D’arc tree that just seems to attract the bugs. Every year I find lots of butterflies and other insects on it. The other Bois D’arc trees do not seem to have the same attraction. Juneteenth in Galveston – General Order No. 3 by Union Troops Marked the Official End…



This is the last of the photos from the May 27th outing. We had stayed in the woods on the side of hill below the limestone barrens for the first half of the outing. There was a breeze that day, so it was pleasant even out in the sun on the barrens which was the…



 These photos are all from the Prairie Seekers field day in Collin County.  Candlesnuff fungus or also called Stag’s horn fungus (Xylaria species)! Apparently you must look at the spores to get a definite answer for the species according to the MushroomExpert.  Border Patch caterpillar on Saw-tooth Sunflower (Helianthus grosseserratus)! We saw quite a few of…

In a shelter!

In a shelter!

Another beautiful day! Today on the afternoon walk, I found the tiniest specimen of a mushroom. No photos today, but I will get them to y’all in a day or so. Really cool!  Today’s photos are all from the grasslands. Woods Ear (Auricularia angiospermarum) is always a fun to see with its velvety texture!  Closeup…

Barbara and her buttons

Barbara and her buttons

We added .86″ to our rain bucket since midnight. So the grand total for us for the storm has been 2.26″. Pretty nice! Back side of Greenthread (Thelesperma filifolium). The two toned phyllaries are a characteristic of Greenthread. What a lovely shade on these shelf fungus! A closeup of a treehopper (Ceresini) nymph! It was…

Right where we left it in March

Right where we left it in March

More good stuff!  And lots of sunshine today. High temperature today was 80 degrees for us. We got a nice amount rain from yesterday’s storm…1.30″ Indian Blanket with a tiny beetle! Southern Purple Mint moth (Pyrausta laticlavia)! Snake Herb (Dyschoriste linearis) has an awesome throat! Texas Bindweed (Convolvulus equitans) has several colors from white to white…

Mystery plant confirmed!

Mystery plant confirmed!

 Back in March, Jeanne and I were checking out a spot on the grasslands to see what we could find. Well, we found a plant that had these hairs on the old stem that hurt to touch. Kathy saw my post and suggested it might be Marbleseed (Onosmodium bejariense) and also known as False Gromwell….