Back to the prairie

Back to the prairie

After being blown away by the soda straw stalactites, we decided it was time to head towards the car. This Ancient Roman ceramic pot was probably a portable toilet, study finds 6 strangest hearts in the animal kingdom A 7.5-feet-long mushroom canoe demonstrates the powerful versatility of mycelium Keep looking! The more you know, the…



February 1st was a great day to make a return trip to the Dixon Water Foundation. The high temp for that day was 69. Sounds perfect and it was! ‘ Watch thousands of ‘vinegar eels’ swarm through a water droplet in amazing new video Thanks Judy! New research could be the first step to hydrogen…

Pixie Cups

Pixie Cups

So many cool treasures! How a disappearing ear bone turned bats into masters of echolocation Gecko-Approved: Copycat Red Nectar Shows Promise as a Natural Colorant Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

What do you see?

What do you see?

Can humans ever stop seeing familiar forms in totally unrelated objects (known as pareidolia)? I don’t think so, it is too fun. I wonder if other creatures do the same as we do? Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

A bony bunny?

A bony bunny?

As we continued on the gully got wider. Still more treasures to discover. For Pilot Bessie Coleman, Every ‘No’ Got Her Closer to ‘Yes’ Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

The fourth goal!

The fourth goal!

Finally, you are probably saying, will they ever make it to the fourth goal. See below 😉 Going to the Caddo National Grasslands has been on my to-do list for sometime. And here is my great opportunity to explore it more closely than I have done before. I have only been there less than half…

The woods

The woods

Ahh, we have reached the woods via the gully! I have not spent much time on this part of the preserve. However it is well worth exploring. In fact, it should be done in different seasons as all places to really know a place. The physics of freezing soap bubbles is cooler than you’d think…



Oops, I forgot that before we reached the woods, we managed to find ourselves in a gully. Always fun to explore! So the outing continues with several more hours to go before we reach my fourth goal. Single-celled marine organism first to be found releasing oxygen in the dark Keep looking! The more you know,…