

 It was cloudy all day, but not bad out with no wind. These fungi are rock hard. They are a polypore type. They each had a hole in the top and you can see the other tiny insect holes too. Every time I turn over a branch and find fungus, it like finding treasure. And…

Dripping rock ravine

Dripping rock ravine

Turban Lichen (Cladonia peziziformis) was still hanging on. It was there when we were there back in the summer. Purple Cliff-brake (Pellaea atropurpurea), mosses, and Turban lichens. Hanging roots and a hole in the side of the ditch. This nostoc was laying on the ground. It was partial dry and wet. The black part is…

Wet day

Wet day

It was a wet drippy day and only in the mid 30’s today. I tried to catch a water droplet fall. This is the first of many shots. A little further along and you can see the reflection of tree branches in the droplet. Almost! Dropped 🙂 I tried again on another droplet on a…

Part II…Continuing on with yesterday grasslands adventure!

Part II…Continuing on with yesterday grasslands adventure!

  Crustose lichen with moss. Some crustose lichens have their fruiting bodies embedded in the thallus (the pale white-green warty crust in this case) that are called apothecia. The apothecia can either be cup or disk-like. There are many variations to thallus and fruiting bodies which can be pretty confusing. Another pareidolia…wood debris that looked…

Patchy frost

Patchy frost

 We had some patchy frost this morning. Our recorded low was 31.6 degrees. First frost of the season! When it warmed up, the bugs came out. This is a Little Yellow (Pyrisitia lisa). White Checkered-skipper (Pyrqus genus)  Zabulon Skipper (Poanes zabulon) on the Fall Aster (Symphyotrichum ericoides). I believe this little red spider might be in …

On the fence

On the fence

 Are you on the fence? I’m not and I have voted BUT this is not about that. The following is about stuff on the fence, my barbwire fence! The Loggerhead Shrike was quite busy storing its cache on the fence. This beetle was still twitching so it was very fresh. Maybe the Loggerhead Shrike’s poop?…

Brazos Bend State Park

Brazos Bend State Park

 Brazos Bend State Park is worth the trip. We have been there several times. We did not see the alligators this time. It was too hot for Gracie (our dog) to walk that far, but we have seen them plenty of times before at this park. We actually took a two mile trail early in…

On the top

On the top

Yesterday, after we climbed out of the creek bed, we walked along the top of the mesa in the prairie. So the following are a few things that capture my eye on the top of the mesa. Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata) with a Meshweb weaver  (Dictynidae) web under the blooms. Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) on Gayfeather.   We…

Found the head waters!

Found the head waters!

 Today, we went back to find the head waters of this unnamed creek we had been exploring for the last few weeks. You know, the same one in “up a creek” post, but ran out of time to continue that day. Success today! Barely got going and came across several of these beautiful Lecanora species…