At the top of hill

We were now winding our way back down the hill.

Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium var canadense) or as I like to call it, the porcupine egg! On this side of the hill, the cockleburs had found suitable habitat which means it was slightly seepy at times. This is, of course, the seed that inspired the inventor of Velcro, George de Mestral.

The hooks have even more spines at the base. No wonder it sticks so well!

So have you ever wondered what was inside the porcupine egg?

I did so I brought home a couple “eggs”. First let me tell you, it is a tough nut to crack so to speak. Inside the tough outer layer are two seeds (at least in the one I opened). In this photo the black seed on the left is the seed with its blackish cover on it. The middle seed is unwrapped. And on the left is the inside view of the thin black covering. How does the seed get out to germanite? I don’t know, but it is a very successful plant :-)!

A particular pretty rock with a crustose lichens (Caloplaca) half hidden under the grass.

We were not sure the species of tree, however the base was twisting and left a home for its friends on the prairie.

Paper wasp nest on ragweed!

How close could I get?

Pretty close, eh!
It scampered off shortly after this.

Could this be a rabbit hole? It was big enough, but I really don’t know if it is. More of the wonders of the Dixon outing tomorrow.!

The robber fly is an aerodynamic acrobat that can catch its prey in midflight

Lichens Are in an Evolutionary Race Against Climate Change

Where Black and Indigenous History Come Together

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. I HATE cockleburs. Had to pull too many from horses tails. And manes. Arrrg. Ive seen seeds too without wanting too. If theyre old enough they fall apart in your hands after pricking your fingers. Love the cottontail. Sweet bunnies. Dont know how you got so close

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