Yesterday, I really did not take that many different kinds of photos. Actually had a job to do. That job with the help of the wonderful volunteers (Alan, Jeanne and Scott), was to locate the host plant for the Frosted Elfin.
This area is known at the Ladonia Unit. I was starting the search in this area. The area is 2,780 acres in twelve tracts.
This was the prairie where we were going to search first. Reese Sewell (District Staff Officer for Range, Wildlife and Ecosystem Planning) had recalled seeing the target plant on this unit. So that was where I started. Alan and Scott were out looking!
Even though this was not the target, who could pass by it without looking…a bagworm with lichens!
Of course it required further examination! There were five foliose species, a fruticose lichen, and at least three crustose lichens all crammed on this five centimeter long bagworm. Amazing!
Another nearby branch was loaded with lichens. I counted at least thirteen species. How many can you find?
Jeanne was watching for mosses too. Number 293!
Beautiful seedhead, but still not the target plant.
A tiny beetle was discovered in this mess of leaves.
More colorful lichens!
Unlike most shelf fungus I find, this one was soft and spongy to the touch.
At this point we had walked maybe ten to fifteen acres. So we were wondering if we were going to find the target plant. Hmmm, more tomorrow! 🙂
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
What fun hunting. Good luck.
What a fancy bagworm!