Brazos Bend State Park

Brazos Bend State Park

 Brazos Bend State Park is worth the trip. We have been there several times. We did not see the alligators this time. It was too hot for Gracie (our dog) to walk that far, but we have seen them plenty of times before at this park. We actually took a two mile trail early in…



 Get ready, get set, GO! Tommy, the Ornate box turtle, has been coming to my house since 2009. That’s eleven years! I feed him if he comes near the house. He likes cantaloupe, watermelon, pears, and apples that I have offered him in the past. If you turn your back, I think he turns on…

A lot of frass

A lot of frass

 I know there is a lot of frass in the national news these days, but this frass (frass is insect poop) I have been waiting for this fall.   This is under two of our Bois D’arc trees (Maclura pomifera). The fatter one is a sphinx caterpillar’s frass. The host plant for the Hagen’s Sphinx (Ceratomia…

A slow start

A slow start

  It was a slow start to this morning, literally. LOL The common garden snails (Cornu aspersum) can move at a lightning speed of .029mph. Not sure if the above two snails are that species but they were not moving very fast. Correction: The one without a shell is a slug not a snail. Snails…

Roadside picnic area

Roadside picnic area

 Lots of cool things can be found at roadside picnic parks.  You may have to look close to find the good stuff. This park is near Hempstead, Texas.  Violet Woodsorrel (Oxalis violacea) in the fall does not have leaves, just the stem and flower.  Teloschistes chrysophthalmus is a fruticose lichen that is pretty common in North…

Back and forth

Back and forth

Every day, twice a day, the local Canada Geese fly by first one way, then back. The flock has grown from just two in the spring to about 35 now.  Eryngo (Eryngium leavenworthii) Meshweb weaver spider and insect prey A hundred is my guesstimate of the millipedes on my backporch. Closeup Corn Earworm  (Helicoverpa zea)…

Barn owl!

Barn owl!

 But no photo 🙁  First one I have ever seen one here at our place. So it was pretty exciting. Of course, my phone was in my pocket when it was disturbed and flew. Bold Jumper (Phidippus audax) looks like it is ready for Halloween? This Banded Argiope (Argiope trifasciata) is a male. He is…

On the top

On the top

Yesterday, after we climbed out of the creek bed, we walked along the top of the mesa in the prairie. So the following are a few things that capture my eye on the top of the mesa. Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata) with a Meshweb weaver  (Dictynidae) web under the blooms. Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) on Gayfeather.   We…

Found the head waters!

Found the head waters!

 Today, we went back to find the head waters of this unnamed creek we had been exploring for the last few weeks. You know, the same one in “up a creek” post, but ran out of time to continue that day. Success today! Barely got going and came across several of these beautiful Lecanora species…



I was surprised to see this Wilson’s wood-nymph moth (Xerociris wilsonii) caterpillar was still out. The two that I collected on Sept. 28, 2020 have already pupated and were from the same area. I had fed the ones I caught for only two days before they had pupated. A mess of Meshweb Weavers (Dictynidae) spider webs. Sky…