Lake Bridgeport
Yesterday late in the afternoon we went to Lake Bridgeport. It had been awhile. Here’s what we saw.

I wish the Killdeer would hang out at the house again. They have not nested at our house in a long time. Glad to see they were still at the lake!

White Pelicans way across the lake.

Ring-billed Gull eating something dead.

Not sure what the gull on the left was doing. Maybe bird yoga?

Ring-billed Gulls and Bonaparte’s Gulls

They were not going to have me get too close.

Least Sandpiper

It was pretty busy.

I got within 30 feet I think.

Ring-billed Gull overheard. I forgot to bring bread to lure them in closer.

Do I still want to eat it?
Ok, it is still tasty.

Here’s the domestic goose is getting ready to dabble for a meal. Canada geese were thinking about it.

One rear in the air goose and the others going into the water too.
At home in the sky follows…

Sunrise had some cool clouds this morning.

While I was off at the grasslands this afternoon, Jim spied a couple of fighter jets doing their thing overhead at the house.
They were flying side by side.

Don’t often see them flying over anymore.

X marked the spot!
I missed seeing the jets as I was down in a ravine at the grasslands. Thanks Jim for sharing! Tomorrow I will share what was seen at the grasslands.
An update on ringtails: Suzanne tells me they are at Ft. Worth Nature Center and another friend tells me that her dad had seen them in the bottomlands near Aurora. So I guess they like bottomlands and are secretive. So maybe someday I will see one.
Those are great pics. Especially Jims.
I enjoyed that day we visited Bridgeport – we need to do that again. Also I saw those wild jet contrails all across the sky yesterday too.
A fun lake day and neat jet trails!
Maybe the jets will be out again today. It would have been fun to see
And yes…we all need to get out again! Sooner than later!!
Great shots. Love the reflections of the sandpiper.
Cool contrails of the jets.
We see the fighter jets practicing out of San Antonio when we are over at our lease but not at the farm. They are amazing.
Oh and about the Ringtails, you rarely see them as they come out after dark. With as much activity we catch on the game camera, we have only seen them twice.
Kathy, it is so cool to watch those jets. I can not help but look up at them. We used to have trainers fly low over our house. What fun.