Ferns under the scope

Ferns under the scope

I spent most of my day looking at spores under the scope. I did not know what I was going to see or what I was looking at half the time. Thank goodness for Google! Purple cliff-brake spores (Pellaea atropurpurea) are the roundish things to the right side of the photo. This is at 400x. …

Cool and wet day

Cool and wet day

Wow, love this cool day and the rain. We have gotten .8 inch but I have heard some of you got 1.5 inches. Just wonderful! Before the rain came this morning, I found this dead luna moth. Its wing span was about 4 inches. I don’t see them real often and the caterpillars even less….

Montague County drive about

Montague County drive about

 Had to get a drive-about before the rain…fingers crossed! Rough-winged swallows were our first stop along the side of the road.  We also had first of season American kestrels.  Other birds of the day were Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, doves, Loggerhead Shrikes, roadrunner, red-shouldered hawk, vultures, White-eyed vireo and one mad-at-us Carolina wren.  Then…

Fungus and flowers!

Fungus and flowers!

Another warm day. Counting down for the days to cooler weather. 🙂 Gracie stood in the water for a good 6-8 minutes. She wants the cooler weather too. Thiers’ Lepidella (Amanita thiersii)  Closeup. It was pretty white and the surface had a moist feel. A polypore, a Ganoderma species. Looks like a bowtie I thought. Underside…

Saturday and humid out.

Saturday and humid out.

 Well, I still must get outside. Gracie says so too. Gracie finds a way to cool off. Palafoxia (Palafoxia callosa) a hard to see plant that likes limestone type soils. Mine is in the my driveway. Pretty tiny flies were visiting. Don’t know what it’s is name. Underside But I made a cool spore print. …

Yellow bumble bee

Yellow bumble bee

 Yellow bumble bee was the highlight this afternoon for me. I looked for birds but didn’t find much in the way of our feathered friends….phoebe, cardinal, Great blue heron, egret and heard a white-eyed vireo. Yellow Bumble Bee (Bombus fervidus) on  cowpen daisy. It was a busy bee. Rucker’s Pond Unit 55 was full and…

Rainy afternoon

Rainy afternoon

 Good afternoon! We have gotten 2.73″ rain this morning. Gracie and I went to check it out. Our front pond completely filled but not quite over flowing yet. Dragonflies and frogs love it. The eryngo –Eryngium leavenworthii  is really getting to its peak. Giant ragweed is sure pretty even tho….you know  And has a pupa…