Great day in the field on the LBJ National Grasslands
Always something to new to see and always fun see old friends (plants, etc).

We started on top the mesa and headed down the hill. Ditches and gullies just love’em.

It is like a black hole…it just sucks me in :-0

Purple cliff brake ferns (Pellaea atropurpurea)

Liverwort and moss

Maidenhair ferns (Adiantum capillus-veneris) on the side of creek bank

Very pleasant surprise the Maidenhair ferns!

False Gaura (Stenosiphon linifolius) going strong.

Whitlow wort (Paronychia virginica)

Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata) starting to bloom.

Best fossil of the day

Green Lynx with bee for brunch.

Prairie Gaillardia (Gaillardia aestivalis) still blooming.

Texas skeleton plant (Lygodesmia texana) not open. A bit surprise to still see them.

Tall gramma (grass- Bouteloua pectinata) blooming

Psora lichen

A mud dauber type nest on a plant stem.

Ruellia (Ruellia humilis)

Not sure what kind of mushroom. Might be of the Gymnopus genus, but definitely not certain. Let me know if you have an idea. The stem had fuzzy hairs which is why the stem is brown.

Neon skimmer was so cooperative!
Just came up and perched while we busy looking at the Hall’s Dalea.

Rain lilies (Zephyranthes chlorosolen)of course with all the rain we had.

Hall’s Dalea (Dalea hallii) Found a 100+ plants. One of my fav hard to find plants. It just blends in so well.
Does anyone know what kind of worm? I love how it moves. Reminded me of a slinky.

If someone lost their marbles. I found one of them and can tell you where to find it. 😉
Hey that's where one of my marbles went…
Beautiful pictures as usual, wish i could have gone with you!