Perfect day

Perfect day

 Perfect day to finish a book Claire loaned me.  The book is Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in the Search for the Origins of Species by Sean B. Carroll. It was a great read on evolution and the scientists who help bring the amazing story to life. We managed to not walk in the rain today,…

Dr Gladys West

Dr Gladys West

Paula saw the first of season Scissortail Flycatcher! This was up in Norman, OK. They got spring before us LOL. But I believe I heard one on this afternoon walk, but could not see it. Yeah Paula! Yesterday, Kathy (down in Fredericksburg) had multiple flocks of Sandhill Cranes go over. I also saw my FOS…

Kept it’s cap

Kept it’s cap

First find of the day was this bright yellow larva on a piece of grass! The Eastern Tent caterpillars are growing! Getting more colorful every day! Last year we put up new nestboxes after our original boxes fell apart. We used regular zip ties and they deteriorated after one season. This year going with old…

A crow’s meal

A crow’s meal

We watched the crow land in the tree. Jim noticed the crows first and saw that one had dropped something. We had to investigate! It was a field rat! I’m showing you the less gory side. It’s guts had spilled out. I don’t know if the crow killed it or if it had scavenged it….

Chilly March 18th

Chilly March 18th

 The front that can through yesterday, has left us a chilly day. And the wind is still blowin! The colors on the Ten-petal Anemone (Anemone belandieri) never cease to impress me. The underside Ten-petal Anemone’s petals are interesting too. I thought we had lost our Plains Nipple cactus (Escobaria missouriensis). It showed up again in the path….

Gosh it is windy!

Gosh it is windy!

 When the wind arrived, boy oh boy is it blowin! Our high gust was 35 mph at about 4pm. I think two rocks was appropriate to hold me to the ground 😉 This was just 10 minutes before a 32 mph gust. I think this guy or gal may be in the family of the Large…

Part 2: The other two tongues

Part 2: The other two tongues

Pecan out in the middle of the prairie. Maybe a crow dropped it? This is what we came to check on…Blue Funnel Lily (Androstephium caeruleum). Oh darn, we will have to go back to see it blooming! LOL Another Square-bud Primrose with two red galls. Pineapple cactus (Coryphantha sulcata). It will have pretty yellow flowers…

Three tongues

Three tongues

 We went to the grasslands today, of course. LOL. It was a cool start that made Gracie a bit more perky. It was about 55 or 60 degrees when we started at 9:30am. So many things are starting to come out. The Goatweed Leafwing and Dainty Sulphurs are the most numerous of the butterflies seen…

Con’t fishing…

Con’t fishing…

This is a continuation of the hike to unit 31 from yesterday. This snag really stood out where the bark had fallen off. It was such a pretty brown and orange color. The shaggy brown is a part of the tree. Lots of neat rocks with moss. I found this moss interesting on how it…