Dr Gladys West
Paula saw the first of season Scissortail Flycatcher! This was up in Norman, OK. They got spring before us LOL. But I believe I heard one on this afternoon walk, but could not see it. Yeah Paula! Yesterday, Kathy (down in Fredericksburg) had multiple flocks of Sandhill Cranes go over. I also saw my FOS Cliff Swallow today. It is a happening time of year!

Common Checkered-Skipper sat still long enough for to make it famous LOL.

FOS Fringed Puccoon (Lithospermum incisum)!

Do you ever wonder how the cats get in and out of their house? I decided to watch and ever though I saw one go in, I could not see the entry. Pretty sneaky they are!

The bullet flower! Ok, you probably know it as the Ten-petal Anemone 😉 The petals have dropped.

Horace’s Duskywing sat for me too!

Here it got out the shadow so you can see the all the wings’ markings.

The Post Oaks are starting up. Pollen here it comes!

Johnny-jump-up (Viola bicolor)!

A Rainbow Scarab. Maybe Phanaeus vindex.

Since it was so cooperative (it was dead when I found it), I put it under the scope for a closer look.
Amazing creature!

This is looking at the bottom of the head. Love the Rainbow Scarab!
Also if you want to know about the eggs in the wasp nest yesterday, check out the comments in that post.
This lead me to this amazing woman, Gladys West. Thank you Dr. West! I use the GPS for a lot of my outside activities.
Could you save some anemone seeds from the yard
once they are ready?
Really cool article on Dr. West!