

It was even colder this morning! Our low was -6.3 degrees. We have never seen it that cold here before. So far we have been really lucky and not experienced a power outage. Fingers crossed. I’m so sorry some of you are having them. By Friday hopefully we will get above freezing. Fingers and toes…



 It got down to .7 degrees. That is very close to what the app say which was  zero. It took three times for Gracie to step out from the the front porch to go to do her business before it was light outside. Then she ran to and then back to the house as quick…

A two-fer

A two-fer

Happy Valentine’s Day! A day to be inside with your love ones, eh!  It has been lightly snowing here all day. Hard to tell how much but I would say about  1/2″. Wind is blowing it too much. ERCOT says try to conserve energy. ERCOT has an app if you want to watch what is…



Continuing on with Tuesday’s grassland visit… Possumhaw. Bushy Bluestem. It likes the wet areas. The sandstone is just wonderful! It is like a sun! Beautiful reds. You can’t see too much of these colors? I would say not. 🙂 I can see a cat’s face in here. Back further from the cat face. Colors are…

Chien-Shiung Wu

Chien-Shiung Wu

 Luckily, we did not get any more precipitation last night. So here goes, a continuation of the Feb 8th outing. Gracie found a treasure! Hard to get a picture as Gracie said it was hers LOL. Holes in the tree look like it would make a good home. This big ole tree looked like it…



Pausing on the Tuesday’s grasslands photos.  The ice today wins 🙂   Our temperature ranged from 25 to 29 with a 91% humidity. I did see 3-4 flakes of snow in our woods at 11-ish.  The sidewalk had this ice on it early this morning! The field and the neighbor’s haybales were getting ice on them….

Cold is here!

Cold is here!

 Our high today was midnight at 32.5 degrees. We never got above 29 during daylight hours. Really glad we went to the grasslands yesterday.  With the mist this morning, we had a bit of ice on our gate. Hopefully that is all we get. Continuing on with yesterday’s grasslands photos. C Cool almost silvery moss….

Wizard of Oz

Wizard of Oz

 Today’s theme may stump you or knot. The Wizard of Oz was a pretty frightening movie to me when I was a kid. I always thought the Fighting Trees in the movie were pretty scary. Imagine now if you were in the forest with the following characters that were the pets of the Fighting Trees……