Fossil Hill (part 5)

Fossil Hill (part 5)

The powerline easement is, of course, kept clear of large vegetation. So this leaves an area for some bare spots for easier searching for Tiny Tim (Geocarpon minimum). What it Sounds Like When Doves Cry Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Don’t Stop

Don’t Stop

It was First Wednesday at the LBJNG. Ok, it really isn’t the first Wednesday of the month, but it was necessary to move the outing to a different date because I had other plans next week. Indeed, a great group! And furthermore, another fabulous day on the LBJ grasslands! 1,000-Plus Years of Tree Rings Confirm…

Prairie Seeker Saturday

Prairie Seeker Saturday

So I am putting a short pause on the Fossil Hill posts. However, I still have seven more posts from Fossil Hill to share. Saturday was the Prairie Seeker class. Indeed the weather was perfect! To sum it up, a great day was had by the Prairie Seekers. For this reason, you may want to…

Fossil Hill (part 3)

Fossil Hill (part 3)

Ok, I did have a mission to Fossil Hill if you remember, Tiny Tim. 😉 And we were out about six hours that day. Climate Change: A “Win-Win” Between Farmers and an Apex Predator Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Fossil Hill (part 2)

Fossil Hill (part 2)

We continued bent over. A regular puffball puffed with encouragement! As you can see I was still doing the knee stuff. LOL. Part 3 tomorrow! Climate Change Is Increasing Human-Wildlife Conflicts Globally Newly Discovered Species of Orchid Looks Like Delicate Piece of Glass Art This Incredible Flower Makes Fake Flies, And We Finally Know How…

Little things

Little things

Finally, after four years, I had decided to go hunt for Earth-fruit or Tiny Tim (Geocarpon minimum) on the grasslands. It probably is/was a long shot, but hey its the journey right. So guess what, it is a very tiny plant as the name implies. There was a lot of time spent on my hands…

Lake Mineral Wells State Park

Lake Mineral Wells State Park

It has been a crazy, yet very busy and fun few days. Yesterday, I tagged along with Jeff and four others. Jeff was looking for Jack-in-the-Pulpit or as I have always called it, the Green-dragon (Arisaema triphyllum). Thanks Jeff for the invite to tag along! The uplifting science of how dandelion seeds stay aloft Keep…

Climbing the hill

Climbing the hill

So we were now heading up the hill. All along I had a place that I want to reach. However, we were certainly not in hurry to get there. There was so much to see. Of course, that meant going slow. Parasitic fungus that infects and kills spiders discovered in Brazil Keep looking! The more…

Holding the soil

Holding the soil

The grasslands were originally purchased in the Dust Bowl by the government. So many of the ponds and terraces were constructed to keep further damage from occurring and stop the soil from blowing and eroding away. To be sure, I for one am glad they did. When The Pandemic Came, The Zoos Shut, And The…

March 10th outing…

March 10th outing…

So it is only five days away from spring now. In fact, the vernal equinox happens on March 20th this year. As you have probably noticed so much has already started to emerge from their winter slumber. Air Pollution Destroys Sexual Pheromones – Impairs Successful Mating of Flies Eponyms have no place in 21st-century biological…