Gaura mollis

Gaura mollis

The Lizardtail is such a nice plant. It has a wet-like feel to it. It is one of the host plants for a White Lined Sphinx moth. I have not seen one on it this year, but I’m still watching for them. The plant can get six feet or so tall. With all the rain…

Imagination required

Imagination required

When I was growing up on a hot summer day, we were banned from inside the house. My dad worked the night shift so he was sleeping during the daytime. We did not have AC so it did not matter, inside or outside. So we sat around in the shade playing cards, played cars or…

Spider webs and stuff

On this morning walk, the spider web is what caught my eye first. The funnel spider webs were most interesting to me on the thickness and where they put them. I wondered how spiders catch something when some have such visible webs. At least a lot of them are so visible to us. Then I…

The Bs

The Bs

Today it is all about the “B”s! Birds, bugs and The Betrothed. I believe summer is here with all its mosquitoes! Keep looking!

Flight ready!

Flight ready!

I believe we have had enough rain for a week or two. Mushrooms should be very happy. It looks like we are going to be hot, sticky and I bet plenty of mosquitoes too. We didn’t get near the amount of rain as many in the area got. We got a total of .68″ today….



The Synchlora genus of moths belongs in the family of Geometrid Moths (Geometridae) which are commonly called inchworms. The Synchlora genus has the remarkable habit of adorning themselves with bits of flowers for camouflage. I found this one on grass but the Lyre-leaf sage is very thick here. That is what I suspect it used for camouflage….