Hanging by a Thread!

Hanging by a Thread!

Jeanne and I are back in Fannin County continuing with my botany survey! And we started off at Bonham State Park once again. Here’s what we found on our hike on the trails. I told myself when we started the walk I was not going to photograph anything unless it was special. Well, as you…

Breathtaking Flora & Fauna

Breathtaking Flora & Fauna

That is how I would describe this spring at the LBJ NG! And on the First Wednesday we headed to the open prairie to see for ourselves! And furthermore I asked Kate to share her story on the sleuthing of this creature. So what follows is straight from Kate’s keyboard! 🙂 “April 27 I was…



Today was an absolutely beautiful day for the First Wednesday outing. As the “fishing guide”, I headed the group towards the Trout Lily (Erythronium mesochoreum) “fishing hole”. The “fishing” had been great! Celebrating Women Horticultural Heroes March 1-30 Why Does It Look Like This National Park Building in Alaska Is Sprouting Hair? Asian elephants mourn,…

Out Today

Out Today

It was a morning spent at the grasslands in a creek bottom and the nearby bottomland. However you will have to wait for that until I get it all sorted and named. Insect bites: The future of snacking is looking a little buggy NPSOT 2023 Fall Symposium Click to Register! – Prairie Seekers – Fall…

The Circle

The Circle

Yesterday and this morning we got chilly! The stunning green-eyed Robberfly (Asilidae) caught a Northern Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus)! Llano River communities fight former oil executive’s plan for a private dam A Glimpse of Extinction: Scientists Uncover Extraordinary Fossils From the End of the Age of the Dinosaurs Breathtaking View of Moon’s Shadow Over the…

Silky Hair

Silky Hair

The wind gusts have been pretty steady today. Therefore it was a bit more of challenge for photographing. The Killer Whales of Eden and the ‘Law of the Tongue’ Thanks Claire! Intense space weather may impact nighttime bird migration Study finds limiting oaks and poplars may aid climate control Click to Register! – Prairie Seekers…

Are You Prepping

Are You Prepping

Clear skies are forecasted for Saturday big event! We plan to drive west. So today I started to prep for the annular eclipse. First a few shots closer to home. 🙂 How to See The Awesome ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse Happening This Week Giant Solar Storm 14,000 Years Ago Leaves The Carrington Event in The…

Next Stop

Next Stop

The next stop was one of Shirley’s monitoring locations. Stealing information from host plants: How the parasitic dodder plant flowers Parasitic plant convinces hosts to grow into its own flesh—it’s also an extreme example of genome shrinkage Wild Elephants Seem to Have Been Domesticated, But Not by Humans Keep looking! The more you know, the…