The search continued

The search continued

Yesterday, I really did not take that many different kinds of photos. Actually had a job to do. That job with the help of the wonderful volunteers (Alan, Jeanne and Scott), was to locate the host plant for the Frosted Elfin. At this point we had walked maybe ten to fifteen acres. So we were…

Smiley face…

Smiley face…

Still in the ravine, but not for much longer as another outing was drawing to close. Do Birds Have Language? Secondary Cratering Discovered on Earth: The Wyoming Impact Crater Field Farmers in Senegal learn to respect a scruffy shrub that gets no respect Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…

Finished its job

Finished its job

Today it was still cold and windy. So it is back to the warm Monday’s outing. Tomorrow more treasures from sunny Monday’s outing! A moon-watching robot can demystify what migrating birds do at night Great job Wes! Spiders are much smarter than you think Variations in Earth’s Magnetic Inclination Are “Stop Signs” for Migrating Songbird…

Long johns day, eh!

Long johns day, eh!

OMG, it is cold today! Hence the long johns for me. Gracie, however, is always prepared with her fur coat LOL. In contrast, today’s post will take you back to our Monday’s outing when it was in the 70’s. The Unsung Heroes Who Ended a Deadly Plague The reign of the dinosaurs ended in spring…

Same place

Same place

A few days later, Gracie and I decided to head back to the piney woods again on the grasslands with a few other two legged nature enthusiasts. Warming Temperatures Are Turning Antarctica Green For Female Yellowthroats, Beauty Isn’t Just Skin Deep Mosquitos learn to avoid pesticides after just one non-lethal dose Keep looking! The more…

A cool day

A cool day

A cool day and Gracie was feeling good. So a short morning outing to the grasslands was just the ticket on February 11th. 🙂 To sum up the outing, Gracie had a good time! Indeed, we did too! Also of note, the Tiny Bluet (Houstonia pusilla) and Whitlow Wort (Draba cuneifolia) are blooming now (Feb…

At the top of hill

At the top of hill

We were now winding our way back down the hill. The robber fly is an aerodynamic acrobat that can catch its prey in midflight Lichens Are in an Evolutionary Race Against Climate Change Where Black and Indigenous History Come Together Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see,…