March 30th

On March 30th, it was a cold afternoon and had rained the night before. So the Ladonia Unit would have been very muddy. Instead we opted to check the northern units at Caddo NG.

On our way to the north, we passed by this house near Honey Grove. Yard ornaments galore!

The Caddo NG has sites that are on the Prairies and Pineywoods Wildlife Trail.

Our friend had followed us LOL!

We needed to stretch our legs. So we choose a trail that was off Hwy 409. Almost immediately we saw mosses and liverworts on the trail. This is a close up of a liverwort that was on soil.

One of thalloid liverwort had it capsules forming.

Jeanne collected mosses and liverworts!

Bushy Beard Lichen (Usnea strigosa)! What an unexpected treat! The best way to ID Usnea is to gently pull apart a strand. There is a stretchy white core in the center.

Pussy Toes were along the trail! Such a different place than in the south Ladonia Units.

Beautiful brown with green algae shelf fungus!

I was getting hungry and it looked like a leafy drumstick. But no, I did not eat any. More on the afternoon tomorrow.

This Ancient Owl Hunted in the Daytime

Flamingo No. 492 Is Still on the Run 17 Years Later

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. Yard ornaments. Oh my! And the house went on and on and on. Certainly different. Love the bushy beard. Thanks.

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