Wet day

Wet day

It was a wet drippy day and only in the mid 30’s today. I tried to catch a water droplet fall. This is the first of many shots. A little further along and you can see the reflection of tree branches in the droplet. Almost! Dropped 🙂 I tried again on another droplet on a…

Untitled Post

Untitled Post

 Pleasant day eh! Wispy cirrus clouds  form between 16,500 and 45,000 feet. The ant and the Darkling Beetle (maybe Eleodes tricostata). Both went their separate ways. This ground beetle was making a meal of the leftover pecan. Maybe in the Pterostichus genus. Milkweed fluff. Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata) standing tall! Not sure what plant this is,…

Clouds and Xerociris wilsonii

Clouds and Xerociris wilsonii

 The morning started off with some cool clouds. Just love the patterns.  Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva aurea) Five-banded Thynnid Wasp (Myzinum quinquecinctum) This is a Wilson’s wood-nymph moth (Xerociris wilsonii) caterpillar. It is the 30th record in the US and a new record for Wise County. Last year, Jeanne found one on her place in Montague…