A bright day

A bright day

Arkansas Yucca seedpod (Yucca arkansana). Vine twists up the Hackberry tree. Crustose fungus doing its job! Close up. Bedstraw (Galium aparine) has started to pop out. It is an annual. I have read that it was used in bedding. The plant will cling to you with its hairs. I have found several species of caterpillars…

3 course meal & pie

3 course meal & pie

 So today (Jan 23th) was National Pie Day. This is the eating kind of pie,  not the number π that is a mathematical constant. So I made a chocolate cream pie because I was thinking about the droplets that form on fungus. Remember in the post Feathers from a couple days ago that had the fungus…



 It was cloudy all day, but not bad out with no wind. These fungi are rock hard. They are a polypore type. They each had a hole in the top and you can see the other tiny insect holes too. Every time I turn over a branch and find fungus, it like finding treasure. And…

Many colors for winter

Many colors for winter

Greenbriar  (Smilax bona-nox) in the winter loses a lot of its leaves, but some hang on. Some are subtle. Others do the camo-like thing. Others are like a rainbow of colors. And then some hold onto there green. As a famous frog once said it is not easy being green and that is especially true…

19 and plus…

19 and plus…

 I decided to do my-before-lunch walk at 9am this morning and on a whim I decided to make a list of birds. It had been a long time since I had used ebird. I was pleasantly surprised on the ease of entering the species than what it use to be, after getting out of the…

Fish skeleton

Fish skeleton

The Eryngo looks like fish skeletons. Especially if you turn it on its side. Three earthstars! Not sure why this is red, blood or fungus? I don’t know. It is on a dead Live Oak. I found this cool white fungus when I turned over a fallen branch. Closer view. Black finger fungus. At least…



Poor girl hit our sliding door. Jim got the first photo. This is a female Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker. You can see that she does not have a mustache like the males. The mustache is black (for a yellow-shafted)  that starts at the base of the beak and runs under the cheek. She has the yellow-shafts…

Part II…Continuing on with yesterday grasslands adventure!

Part II…Continuing on with yesterday grasslands adventure!

  Crustose lichen with moss. Some crustose lichens have their fruiting bodies embedded in the thallus (the pale white-green warty crust in this case) that are called apothecia. The apothecia can either be cup or disk-like. There are many variations to thallus and fruiting bodies which can be pretty confusing. Another pareidolia…wood debris that looked…



 It was a birdy day. Saw some very nice birds! Some of my “first of season” birds were dark-eyed junco, white-crowned sparrows, and red-shafted northern flickers. Also saw chipping sparrows, vesper sparrows, cardinals, blue jays, red-tailed hawks, mourning doves, meadowlarks,black vultures and turkey vultures. Got a great look at the Red-shouldered Hawk. Meadowlark Multiple Loggerhead…

On the fence

On the fence

 Are you on the fence? I’m not and I have voted BUT this is not about that. The following is about stuff on the fence, my barbwire fence! The Loggerhead Shrike was quite busy storing its cache on the fence. This beetle was still twitching so it was very fresh. Maybe the Loggerhead Shrike’s poop?…