Another Great Day!

Another Great Day!

Nature has so many wonderful strategies for their young. And the methods come in all shapes, sizes, and colors! To show you how small it really was! It had to have been a fairly early instar. Another great day! New Species Of Giant Snake Discovered During Filming Of TV Show Seed dispersal is not keeping…

To the Meat

To the Meat

Do you have a nature bucket list? I do. It was working hard swaying its head back and forth. I wish I could tell you the species of the two grass skippers (Hesperiinae). However in the Wagner guide it says the only reliable way to know for sure is to raise them. I didn’t have a container…

A Fight?

A Fight?

The temperature was so nice. But if I had not made it back to the car I would have been a wet rat. LOL. However I think it was less than a tenth of inch. Now on to check more boxes… Genomic Innovation in the Arctic: How Mycena Mushrooms Adapt and Thrive How the death…

Cool Friday

Cool Friday

Jeanne’s family was visiting. So I had volunteered to check her nest boxes at the Thomsen Foundation. Furthermore on Friday I could not have asked for a more perfect day in July! Thank you Jeanne đŸ™‚ My pace picked up… Did a comet burst crash Earth’s climate 12,800 years ago? Dr. Marian Pettibone Discovered and…



We were visiting some of my favorite Shirley spots on our Thursday (June 27) road trip. The Cliff Swallows were circling above us. The Estuary Smothered by a Thousand Logs ‘Desert moss can survive on Mars,’ claim scientists from China Texas armadillos are actually a different species than previously thought, study says Thanks Suzanne! Keep…

Big Leg

Big Leg

We found a way through the dead cedars back to the creek channel. The creek was no longer flowing but there were pools of water. And goodness more treasures! Whatever this creature was it was fascinating to watch it move! It had been a fun day in the creek! Never-Before-Seen Trilobite Anatomy Preserved by Pompeii-Like…

Second Try

Second Try

Wednesday morning was the second day of the quail survey season. The weather was equally as cool but the sky was clear. Additionally it was less windy. June solstice in 2024: All you need to know Neanderthal DNA Exists in Humans, But One Piece Is Mysteriously Missing Why museums should repatriate fossils Keep looking! The…

A Mystery

A Mystery

Who doesn’t like a good mystery? I do and that was what I worked on yesterday and today. And tho I spent most of the morning inside, of course I had to take my walks. The eyes and the mind do need a rest. It was fun to watch the water magnify it and stand…

Over 20

Over 20

Yes I am over the age of twenty. LOL. However more important to me was that we are now over twenty inches of rain for 2024! Exact amount at this moment in time (6:42pm) is 20.02″. And everything is looking so good! Well, the plants. đŸ˜‰ Is it hard for hummingbirds to hover in the…