Yesterday, I went on a lovely little drive-about in the southwest Montague County.
First find of the day! A lucky feather! Of course it must be. It is a wing covert feather of a Red-bellied Woodpecker!
A lot of the time was spent on the gravel roads. So this Illinois Bundleflower seed pods were covered in the frosty colored dust from the limestone gravel.
There were big tangles of the Small White Morning Glories (Ipomoea lacunosa). A place to observe this species are near creeks. And that is exactly where we found them on this day.
Small White Morning Glory is a small one at about 5/8 inch across.
Winged aphids on Giant Ragweed.
A monarch was flitting around! Here it was on Frostweed.
It was interesting to see Spreading Sida (Sida acutifoliate) at a height of 12 inches above the ground. It grows low on our driveway where we mow the center.
Currently blooming on the roadsides, you can find the Wild Morning Glory (Ipomoea cordatotriloba).
A strange, hairy gall on sumac! The sumac had been stripped almost bare.
Road builders used what was available for their post. A beautiful pecan tree in the background.
Here a Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) was covered with the dust and a meshweaver’s web.
While looking over the ragweed carefully, I noticed this tiny guy hanging on a thread. This one was about 7-8mm, but there also was one of the same kind that was half that size.
In this case, a different species of a cat dropped to the ground before I could get a shot for identification purposes. Consequently, no ID.
Finally, ragweed pollen! Aaaaahchoo!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
The gall on the sumac is really interesting. Strange.
The gall on the sumac is really interesting. Strange.
Very nice in spite of dust!