Pretty Dry, eh

Pretty Dry, eh

So it has been a while since we have had any substantial rain in North Texas. But Monday morning (28th) was fairly cool relative to recent mornings. So Jeanne and I headed over to the grasslands to check it out. More tomorrow! Don’t forget there is a super duper blue supermoon tonight. And the show…

A Hoot and a Holler

A Hoot and a Holler

The day had been most splendid. Of course we topped it off with cool treats at DQ on the way home. I bet you can tell this has kinda become our thing lately. LOL So with a hoot and holler we left our echoes behind. And I imagine if Suzanne and Kate (who were on…



So the word rill is another name for a small stream. Indeed I love a good rill. LOL However I don’t think the definition of a rill would fit this creek. Stream Terminology and Definitions describes the terms of running water that occupies a channel. This creek did not have any running water currently. However…

Epic Battle

Epic Battle

Next destination was an overlook at the Red River. So down the road we went. However maybe I should say up the road since we headed north? It was an epic battle! As they fought the road dust covered them. Neither were giving up. In fact, the humans watched for four minutes. Still no end….

More bones

More bones

I know most of you have heard the expression “To make no bones about it”. Apparently the expression came from fifteenth century England. If you found a bone in your soup that was not good (of course). So no bones in your soup were good. Indeed in the field I think finding bones is fun….

It Clicked

It Clicked

The nature nerds were out on the Cooke County roads yesterday! And goodness it was fun as always. Treasures and treasures! The Texas Click Beetle (Alaus lusciosus) was just awesome! No bones about it we were having fun. A couple more treasures from this spot tomorrow. 🙂 It Took Just One Wolf to Revive An…

A Little Green

A Little Green

Today was a drive-about day for me. I will tell you great treasures were found. 🙂 But you will have to wait until I process the photos. So here are two little green treasures I found yesterday. Penguin Breeding Colonies Catastrophically Failing as Ice Vanishes in Antarctica Tiny Forests With Big Benefits Bats of Bracken…

Pushing by

Pushing by

What to do on another hot day? Well, short walks of course. 🙂 Bigger, earlier and itchier: Why poison ivy loves climate change What sounds did sabertooths make? Scientists investigate Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

The Hairy Snake

The Hairy Snake

There are a lot plants that are finished with their colorful blooms. Yet to me they still hold value. Some maybe providing homes for insects. Others may have seeds for wildlife as well as the plant’s own future survival. Thanks Jeanne for sharing your photos! Homegrown National Park by Dr Douglas Tallamy (A Cross Timbers…



What are you doing in what seems to be this endless heat? Mostly staying inside except for early morning tending your gardens or chores via the car? How about a good book? I have a recommendation for you, Endless Forms, The Secret World of Wasps by Seirian Sumner. It is packed filled with information about…