RX Burn

Oh goodness, might of or should have worn my long johns on this morning walk. It was not freezing at 34, but with the wind it felt a bit cold. Now back to yesterday’s warm outing.

Maybe by now you recognize this as Bobwhite scat and not a twisted open very tiny Oreo cookie. In fact yesterday I found several places where Mr. Bobwhite left behind his cookies.
The RX burn at this unit left behind interesting remnants like this heart.
Indeed a beautiful down feather! There are three types of down feathers; natal down (baby feathers), powder down (found only in a few species) and body down fluffy feathers that lie underneath the outer feathers. This is most certainly body down.

So it was easier to push my way into this area. And I found more Bobwhite scat!
A black charcoaled log.

Here you can see some of the trees that were cut down before the burn.
Trees along the edge of the pond were charred. Not sure if some of those survived or not.

Many cedars were cut in the wooded area.
Out in the field more cedars were cut. However, you can see it is a constant battle to keep the cedars to a manageable amount. However cedars are important to the whole ecosystem for example as winter food for robins and waxwings. Also several breeding birds utilize it for nesting and roosting. And the beautiful Juniper Hairstreak butterfly uses the cedar as a host plant. And that is just some of the things I know about.

Life springs back after the RX burn with more room to grow!

In fact the Bobwhite, forbs, and grasses all benefit from a RX burn. Benefits include reduces hazardous fuels, protecting human communities from extreme fires, removes unwanted species that threaten species native to an ecosystem, provides forage for game, improves habitat for threatened and endangered species, recycles nutrients back to the soil, and promotes the growth of trees, wildflowers, and other plants.

On the way to town today, I saw the Redbuds had started to bloom! Time to look for Henry’s Elfins butterflies. Redbuds are their host plant.

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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