What Did We Decide
Well, I left you hanging yesterday. 😉 Sometimes it is just too much to push on and you need to turn back. Perhaps find an alternate route?

We had gone as far as we could because the ravine had way too much brush and trees to maneuver through. In fact the backtracking was a bit more tricky. I slipped with one foot into the water just a little. However that was ok. Ahh the adventure!
Lastly an update and some sleuthing by Suzanne. So on the post Cold Stratification, I had a plant I thought might be Square-bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri). However Suzanne has a Missouri Primrose coming up now and it looks just like the plant. Indeed thanks Suzanne for solving the plant’s identity!
How Does One Species Become Many? Scientists Have Confirmed Darwin’s Hypothesis
Microplastics Invade Ancient Rock, And That’s a Big Problem For Age Markers
Pollinator’s death trap turns into nursery
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Nice outing and creek. Love that hole and the hanging moss.
Those capsules are fancy!
Another lovely creek adventure! And…you’re welcome! When I saw that Missouri primrose sprouting in my yard, I immediately thought of your photo. I’ve never paid close attention to the rosette before.
I am so glad you noticed! Thanks!