Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

A lot of plants this season have been up to three weeks later than usual. In fact some plants that normally bloom in the spring are re-blooming like Redroot or Jersey-tea (Ceanothus herbaceus). Well, on the Tuesday morning outing I found a plant that surprised me. I hope none of you ate too much today….



As I proceeded along I found multiple stages of the Shaggy Mane or Inky Cap Mushrooms (Coprinus comatus). This was one of the species featured in yesterday’s post. These mushrooms can be found on disturbed ground which includes the side of roads and creek banks. The is one of my go-to places for information…

Loose Ends

Loose Ends

I needed to tie up a few loose ends on some location data points that did not take previously. The phone had not done a good job on the coordinates and elevation. So today I finally got around to retrieving the correct data. Pretty cool, eh! More to come from my morning walk tomorrow. 🙂…

Green with Envy

Green with Envy

That is what I am after hearing about Kathy’s mushroom experience! And besides just pretty to look at during the daylight hours, the genus Omphalotus is bioluminescent. Kathy has tentatively ID’d it as the Southern Jack O’lantern (Omphalotus subilludens)! And that should be bioluminescent. Well Kathy went back at night, sitting for 10 minutes to…

Sweet, Shaggy, and Stinky

Sweet, Shaggy, and Stinky

A mostly dreary day with a splash of rain. And I for one will take any rain we can get now. However briefly I did see some sunshine. Now to the sweet, shaggy, and stinky. 🙂 Last but not the least, the stinky. So today was sweet, shaggy, and stinky! ‘Lost City’ Deep in The…

Soft and Harsh

Soft and Harsh

That is how a lot of photographers usually describe the light at dawn and full daylight respectively. To me the harsh part sounds like a bad thing. However I think daylight is illuminating, not harsh. 🙂 Every part of the day’s light are special to me! Textbooks say most birds can’t smell. Scientists are proving…

Last Stop

Last Stop

This was the last stop they had wanted to scout, Rucker’s Pond. This unit is one I have visited often for several reasons. It is close to our house and the pond is great for letting the dogs take a swim. In fact, a person had his dogs splashing in the water while he was…



More stops were on the schedule. So we continued on. More tomorrow! Ice House Museum explores the world of The Dog People Scientists Uncover Fascinating Relationship Between Mice and a Plant That Flowers Once a Century New cookbook celebrates Potawatomi food, culture Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more…

Pedal to the Metal

Pedal to the Metal

Our next stop was at Rhodes Lake. It also is a popular lake for duck hunters. The lake has many kinds of creatures in addition to water birds. For example, we heard the rattle call of the Belted Kingfisher across the lake. Hmmm, I hope I didn’t scare the frass out of it. Pedal to…

First Stop

First Stop

Jeanne, Jerry, and Susan are members of the Elm Fork Master Naturalist chapter in Denton. We met at Windmill Lake at 9am yesterday. They were scouting and I was along for the day. Our first stop at Windmill Lake was interesting and beautiful as always. I have visited this unit many times over the years….