A Green Ball

A Green Ball

Continuing on with the warm Thursday’s afternoon outing. With a little nudging help, it released its spores! Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Doubles Enchanted Rock State Natural Area with Expansion A New Crayfish Species Was Hiding in Plain Sight Among Common Aquarium Pets, Researchers Find Species of Deep Sea Bug The Size of a Small…

Did You Get Out?

Did You Get Out?

How many of you got out today? Certainly the roads are clear and the temp is not half bad. We made it up to 52F! The snow is melting fast now. And soon it will be gone. Certainly was fun while it lasted! Freshwater Animals Are More Fragile Than Thought, With Nearly a Quarter Threatened…

Ice and Bird

Ice and Bird

The sky is clear and the snow is melting. All of yesterday’s snow friends have disappeared. Fascinating to watch the ice breath! Ok, I’m easily amused. LOL. A Texas teenager helped his border community win a $13 million grant to improve the environment Roman-Era Lead Pollution Linked to IQ Drop Across Europe Slingshot spiders rely…

Greetings Snow Friends!

Greetings Snow Friends!

What a wonderful snow we got! Seven inches for us!! And that meant snow friends were out paying us a visit. 😉 Truly many snow friends were out for this big event! Furthermore if you didn’t catch them today, they won’t be back until the next event. And who knows when that will be. 😉…



Oh goodness, it was a wonderful snow day! Well, unless you had to travel in it, but I didn’t. So fun fun fun! Furthermore I was anxious to see what kind of photos I could get with my phone. So it took me over an hour to get the flake photos. And the cold fingers…

Rare Irruptive bird!

Rare Irruptive bird!

Did y’all get some snow last night? We probably got a half inch of snow plus a total of .55″ in the rain bucket. Very nice!! So talking about birds, an irruptions refer to the movement of northern species to the south for food. Snowy Owls and Redpolls are among the species that will irrupt….

Snow in the valley

Snow in the valley

Hold on, wait a minute! Your citrus in the Texas Valley is safe for now. But what about here in North Texas overnight? Our low was 32 degrees this morning. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know