Greetings Snow Friends!

What a wonderful snow we got! Seven inches for us!! And that meant snow friends were out paying us a visit. 😉

Our first visitor!
The dolphin friend swam by!
Uh oh, a shark was close behind!
A lizard was stalking too!

This friend might need a shave??

In swooped an eagle!

A opossum was larking too!

A snow fox! Furthermore I don’t see them very often. LOL.

Finally in Decatur Michelle found her friend Señorita Sally Nieve bundled up for the cold! Thanks Michelle for sharing your friend with us!

Truly many snow friends were out for this big event! Furthermore if you didn’t catch them today, they won’t be back until the next event. And who knows when that will be. 😉 Though Señorita Sally Nieve may stick around for a day or two longer.

The Lone Wolf That Was Loved to Death

Killer Smiles: Why Saber-Toothed Teeth Were Evolution’s Masterpiece

See 25 Incredible Images From the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Loved the snow friends. And the wolf story along with another wolf story that pops up on its feed was great read. Thank you

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