
Oh goodness, it was a wonderful snow day! Well, unless you had to travel in it, but I didn’t. So fun fun fun! Furthermore I was anxious to see what kind of photos I could get with my phone.

It really was coming down on our early morning walk!
The snow was collecting on us!
The individuals (oaks) stand out!
Suzanne found these Diptera larvae crawling on the snow. Brrrr for them! A person on iNat suggested crane flies (Tipulidae). Suzanne hope you are successful raising one! šŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing!
While looking at the lichens, I found a cold mite!
Looked like pee… Hmmm, could it be squirrel pee?? And don’t eat yellow snow. LOL.
Indeed the Leucodon julaceus was bright. At least what wasn’t covered by the snow.
Bare bones of a Red Oak!
So the star today was the snow. And this was a glob of the snow. However, what I really wanted was a photo of individual flake.
The first image I got were these elongated crystals. Then the second and third and so on. Certainly this was a bit disappointing. I wanted the classic flake.
Then I saw it land! Whoa this was cool or should I say cold. šŸ˜‰
Now my eyes were seeing more!
More wow!
This one was on its edge!
A dandy shape!
A combo of shapes!

So it took me over an hour to get the flake photos. And the cold fingers and toes I thought were totally worth it. Did you have as much fun as I did? šŸ™‚

Mushrooms Capture the Imagination. Here’s Why. Thanks Suzanne!

Toxic Male Technique: Engineered Insects Use Venom Proteins to Combat Disease

Footprints Reveal Two Early Human Species Walked the Same Lakeshore in Kenya 1.5 Million Years Ago

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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