A Return Trip

A Return Trip

Jeanne and I made another trip back to visit Austin’s place. I had a couple of plants I decided I wanted to collect for the herbarium. Newly Deciphered, 4,000-Year-Old Cuneiform Tablets Used Lunar Eclipses to Predict Major Events Tough plastics broken down sustainably with common chemical, sunlight, air Keep looking! The more you know, the…

Second Act of First Wed

Second Act of First Wed

The recent rains are really helping the plants put on a show! I really hope it goes through the summer too. You owe it to yourself to go see the beautiful LBJ NG this spring! Don’t miss the show! How to Use an Anvil (If You’re a Wrasse) Massive Mosasaurs May Have Evolved More Than…



Plenty hot eh! But not complaining since it was only 108F today versus the 111F yesterday. LOL Almost all the critters at our water features come in panting. Elusive Texas creature is spotted having a rare beach day Male moths make their own perfume from flowers to attract females Keep looking! The more you know,…

On the road stops

On the road stops

So this post should have been yesterday’s post. Indeed I was so excited to show you the Gordian Worms that I hit the publish button too quick. LOL Thus these were our first stops from that outing (2023-07-28). After the exploring grasslands by foot, we made our way by vehicle. It was a drive-about with…

Size 9

Size 9

Indeed I am glad the survey is over. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy doing it. However getting up so early…well I am glad it is done. 😉 Size 9 times 5 1/2 shoes equals 62 inches! The ‘Immortal Jellyfish’ Can Age in Reverse And Possibly Live Forever Keep looking! The more you know, the…



Another early morning survey was done yesterday. Two more to go. So we REALLY can’t help ourselves. LOL Update: See Suzanne’s important comment below. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know



Seven nature nerds came for the First Wednesday outing at the LBJ NG. And this unit had a prescribed burn this year. In fact, it may have been the first burn ever done on this particular unit. And it certainly was looking mighty good! And thanks to the six other nature nerds for joining with…

Shook its fist

Shook its fist

So we always have a wonderful time. And sometimes the heart rate might race a bit. Of course, we had to see! Now this guy really made Jeanne’s heart race. She said it curled up in a tangled ball and shook it fist (ie tail) at her before they both parted ways. However, I had…

Look up or down

Look up or down

Having come to the end of the first ravine, we struck out to find another. And it was not too much further down along the fence line. The Rough Green Snake was pretty wiggly. And it left its musky smell on Jeanne. A little water and that washed right off. Adventures require looking down, but…