The closeup view

The closeup view

I really love to look at things close up as you can probably guess by now if you have been reading the blog. Here are a couple closeups… Inside the Growing Movement to Share Science Through Quilting Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you…



Signs of approaching fall and cooler weather are heading our way. The forecast for my house says Tuesday the weather will only be in the 80’s! Can’t wait! Gopher Biofluorescence Discovered: Underground Species Has a Secret Glow Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you…

Two meters

Two meters

And twenty minutes at one spot before lunch. That is how slow I was. All these photos are in an area of about two meters. Opinion: In defense of armyworms. They aren’t exactly the scourges of lawns. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you…

Ambrosia trifida

Ambrosia trifida

Hold on, why would anyone love Ambrosia trifida or more commonly known as Giant Ragweed you may be asking? Well, I must say I have liked the plant for many years. Each winter, the sparrows and other bird species would flock to our Giant Ragweed to eat the seeds in the winter. I love ragweed!…

Lucky feather

Lucky feather

Yesterday, I went on a lovely little drive-about in the southwest Montague County. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Spiders, Insects, and Plants Oh MY!

Spiders, Insects, and Plants Oh MY!

In yesterday’s post, I concentrated on the False Foxglove. Besides looking closely at the flower, we also observed other neat stuff at this site. We found these additional things near the False Foxglove. The Complex Engineering of Underground Ant Cities Using the “Smell of Fear” To Protect Gardens and Crops From Destructive Insects Keep looking!…



The barrens have a wonderful assortment of plants that you will only find there. For example, one such plant that is partial to the barrens is the Queen’s Delight (Stillingia texana). Indeed, this species can only be found on this type of soil. The other Queen’s Delight (S. sylvatica)on the other hand, prefers the sandy…