Night at the Park

Night at the Park

Well I am not by nature much of a night person. However when at a park I can not resist doing a little bit of night viewing. Especially since I have a UV light. So just imagine what all the nocturnal creatures see every night. Blows my mind every time! Birds with backpacks to help…

A Light Rain

A Light Rain

As I mentioned yesterday Jacksboro got a nice rain on Friday. The weather app said about .4″. Like all of us in North Texas (and many other parts) we need it. This post’s photos are from the Lost Creek Trail. This trail I bet is the most visited trail of the park. However the connection…

Part Two of First Wed on Monday

Part Two of First Wed on Monday

Did I mention how nice the outing was yesterday. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Jerry has kindly once again has some photos to share with us. I will note each of Jerry’s photos in the caption. The earliest sunset comes before the winter solstice Stone Age Pioneers: Homo erectusโ€™ High-Altitude Life 2 Million Years Ago Keep looking! The more…

A Dose of Sunshine

A Dose of Sunshine

So after working on the computer yesterday morning, I needed my afternoon fix of sunshine time. So I headed to the grasslands. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am certainly looking forward to the winter season of lichens, mosses and all the treasures that nature has to offer! World-First Footage Shows Dolphins Pulling Off a Clever Bait Heist Mystery…

A Little Nudge

A Little Nudge

Quail surveys start at sunrise. Additionally the protocol says we must be finished by 8am. Each survey point should be done three times. So this will take a couple of weeks to complete the whole survey. After the morning survey there will be time to do a hike or a driving tour before it gets…

Final Caddo NG Day

Final Caddo NG Day

Down to the last day at Caddo NG. Critters, lichens, fungi, and plants, we found them all. ๐Ÿ™‚ In brief it was a week of wonderful finds at the Caddo National Grasslands! Completely Reassessing Our Understanding of Plant Domestication โ€“ Early Crop Plants Were More Easily โ€œTamedโ€ Knotty by Nature: Blackworms and the Secrets of…

Fossil Hill (part 8)

Fossil Hill (part 8)

Now we were heading deeper into the rocky areas of the woods. The boulders were amazing! Two more posts to go on Fossil Hill! Photoluminescence in the Garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Fossil Hill (part 5)

Fossil Hill (part 5)

The powerline easement is, of course, kept clear of large vegetation. So this leaves an area for some bare spots for easier searching for Tiny Tim (Geocarpon minimum). What it Sounds Like When Doves Cry Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know