More close ups

More close ups

On the Gracie afternoon (Tuesday) I might have gone slower than normal. If I need really needed an excuse, it was because I didn’t want to go far because of Gracie. In distance, the outing was really short. How a Wasp Turns Cockroaches into Zombies What Eats Cockroaches? Tiny Spider Brains Overflow Into The Body,…

A new year starts

A new year starts

Happy New Year! I am hopeful that everyone will have a healthy year ahead. Joni Mitchell wrote in her song Big Yellow Taxi “Don’t it always seem to goThat you don’t know what you’ve gotTill it’s goneThey paved paradiseAnd put up a parking lot” Please plant native plants, pick up a piece of litter, and…



Yesterday, I stopped the post as we reached the creek. Here is the last of the photos from this outing. The Quirky History of the Osage Orange, Texas’s Ugliest Fruit Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



How many lichens can you find on a short twig? I brought home two twigs from the last outing. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Running water

Running water

The water at the grotto was running yesterday. There is something about running water that is so soothing! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Can you hear the barrens

Can you hear the barrens

Today, I will conclude the Friday 5th outing. As I mentioned yesterday, we stayed awhile at the bottom of the slope of the barrens. Do butterflies retain their caterpillar memories? How Scientists Are Using Robotic Animals to Learn About Real Ones Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you…

Up top again

Up top again

We had been out about an hour and half at this point. Not wanting to push it for Gracie, we started back towards the car. So back up top to the prairie we went. Paleontologists Find Ancient Tardigrade in Dominican Amber Prairies of the Sea New Zealand’s Bird of the Year Is… a Bat Keep…



After seeing that Gracie was doing just fine, we headed into the drainage ditch. Hungry Caterpillars Can Alter Carbon Emissions on a Huge Scale Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Rattles in the sky

Rattles in the sky

What a drizzly cold day! So glad I took Gracie to the grasslands yesterday. In fact, after the morning walk this morning, all I could think about was how good a gooey cinnamon bun would be. I did not get one ;-( I settled for potato and leek soup for supper. “Genetic Goldmine” Uncovered for…