

Indeed, what a wonderful soggy day! We ended up with a mere 1.85″ at our place! Of course, that was great! However, Jeanne’s Fossil Hill got a whopping 4″! Whatever amount you got (and I hope you got some) was much needed, eh! Paleontologists Find Biggest Pterosaur Species Ever Unearthed in South America This Device…

Cool day!

Cool day!

No complaints from me on the weather today! In anticipation of the rain this week, now would be the time to empty your rain gauge if you haven’t already 🙂 Everyday Plastic Products – Such As Coffee Cups – Release Trillions of Microscopic Particles Into Water Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…

Too early for summer

Too early for summer

However, we seemed to be getting it whether or not we want it, eh. High temp at our house was 93.7 degrees. So I for one am glad it was windy and didn’t make it to the forecasted high of 99 degrees. Today’s giant farm vehicles threaten 20% of the world’s cropland Could Ants, Termites…

I like my thistle

I like my thistle

Years ago, some of the first plants I tried to key were the thistles. Of course, I don’t remember all the stuff I found about them. However, I still enjoy them. And all the critters that utilizes the thistles. Mushrooms borrowed the same deadly toxin from a mysterious source Keep looking! The more you know,…

Hanging out

Hanging out

Today, I went to the Dixon Water Foundation to hang out with other prairie nerds! It was with the NPAT Ft. Worth chapter’s Prairie Seeker training for the spring. Scientists Prove That Plants Can Grow in Soil From the Moon Scientists Estimate That the Embodied Energy of Waste Plastics Equates to 12% of U.S. Industrial…



Today, it started off windy and cloudy in lovely Fannin County. So we were very thankful for the wind and the clouds for the first half of the day! Then in the second half of the day our only relief was the wind. Yeah for the wind! I bet you can tell we are having…

Like magic

Like magic

Ahh, it feels like summer is coming early. Well, not so bad today with the wind. Do trees exist (scientifically speaking)? Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



Continuing on with the first First Wednesday outing! The group watches for all the flora and fauna. For example, the Indigo Bunting gave some nice views of it singing its song. Butterflies were not numerous, but there were some sulphurs, Buckeyes, fritillaries and various moths. So I am certainly looking forward to the next First…

Old friends and new friends!

Old friends and new friends!

It has been awhile since the last First Wed outings, but it is back! Yahoo! So nice to get together with folks again. Old friends and new friends enjoying the LBJ NG again on a First Wednesday! More interesting stuff from the First Wed outing tomorrow! This Teenager Found a Way to Control Mosquitoes Using…



The wonderful rain over the last few days was most welcome. Our total was 1.88″. Wow, we all needed it! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.