
So the word rill is another name for a small stream. Indeed I love a good rill. LOL However I don’t think the definition of a rill would fit this creek. Stream Terminology and Definitions describes the terms of running water that occupies a channel. This creek did not have any running water currently. However it was evident that it has had substantial flow previously. Whereas a rill only does a trickle.

Under this bridge the debris was stuck high on the support beams. This bridge had a metal roof. And a small pool of water was in the creek bed.

An unusual Organ Pipe Mud Dauber nest. It was hanging free and not plastered to the wall as they usually do.

A cooperative Widow Skimmer!
A bivalve shell! So pretty. After I got home I thought about trying to ID’ing it. I asked my fellow nature nerds but they didn’t know the species either except that it was a clam. So then I asked myself what was the difference between a clam and mussel. In fact I found the differences in shapes are “mussels usually have a smooth black-blue or brownish, elongated shell, whereas clams have a rounded shell that’s usually gray or beige and ridged.”. Additionally the anatomy and habitat are different too. The Daily Meal gives a nice overview.

Suzanne quickly had a name for this plant, Creeping Cucumber (Melothria pendula). Thanks Suzanne!

As we walked out from under the bridge a few Mistflowers (Conoclinium coelestinum) were among the plants at the edge of creek bed.
The Leafy Elephantopus (Elephantopus carolinianus) were blooming. Indeed I love that name!

A Smaller Sand Cricket (Ellipes minuta) was present in the creek channel.

A cool mushroom shaped rock!

The Sharp-wing Monkey-flower (Mimulus alatus) was a new plant at this location. This was thRILLing. 🙂 Now I know of three locations.
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Jeanne and I had found the Self-heal (Prunella vulgaris) a few years ago at this creek and it was still there! Certainly always great to see a plant doing well at a location. The plant is liked by bees and butterflies. Parts of it are edible and it has a long history of medicinal uses as well.

More treasures tomorrow will conclude this drive-about!

America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow

Adorable Moth-Size Bats Found in the Pacific Islands’ Largest Bat Cave

Newly Discovered Jurassic Fossils Are a Texas First Thanks Suzanne!

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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