What did you see today?

What did you see today?

Per our usual, the day started with our walk with Gracie! Also I saw one Monarch sail by. Hope you saw some good stuff like I did today! These ant queens live 500% longer than workers. Now we know why. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see,…

Little stuff

Little stuff

Just after 1pm, we got a real frog strangler! In about ten minutes we got .45″. Thank you to Kathy and Miguel for sharing your finds! Researchers Discover How Plants Reprogram Their Cells To Fight Invaders 10 Things You Think You Know That Aren’t Actually True Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…

Out the backdoor

Out the backdoor

My little garden this year is just ten steps from the backdoor. This is the first time in years that I have tried to grow anything. It is mostly a tomato garden with a couple of onions. Somehow a smartweed or knotweed decided to join the ‘maters. Of course, I left them because it was…

Blue Belly

Blue Belly

OMG, I saw so many Rain-lilies along the road today while out and about! I loved it! Of course, I took Gracie for her usual walks too. Here are two highlights from the walks. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Wet Critters

Wet Critters

Well, I am just going to say, it is nice to have had a wet pet this morning! We got 1.45 inches. And I am very happy about that. However, I know from the news, that a lot of you in the Dallas/FtW metroplex got a heap more rain in your buckets than that. I…

Purple Pineapple

Purple Pineapple

The Purple Pineapple has started to bloom! I have described this wonderful plant the purple pineapple before I even knew that others had called it that before me. And what an apt description of the Leavenworth’s Eryngo (Eryngium leavenworthii)! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the…

No shooting stars

No shooting stars

I was up at 5:30am with Gracie this morning. I had hoped to see a shooting star or two. But no luck 🙁 Hope more than a few of y’all got some of the rain yesterday. Rain amounts around here ranged from barely wet (.1″) to 1.25″. Here we got the .24″ and was very…

Last section of the DA Tour

Last section of the DA Tour

So this post will conclude Friday’s DA Tour. And it was a fine day with my fellow adventurer! Thank you! A wonderful day to be in the field for a DA tour! Rare plants attract rare bees and birds in urban gardens Researchers reveal how an insect-eating plant uses rain energy to power its trap…