Warm yesterday, cold today

Warm yesterday, cold today

Yesterday, I told you that I made it outside. Of course, this meant Jeanne and I were out and about. Naturally, there were treasures to be seen. A New Generation of Satellites Is Helping Authorities Track Methane Emissions Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more…

The fourth goal!

The fourth goal!

Finally, you are probably saying, will they ever make it to the fourth goal. See below 😉 Going to the Caddo National Grasslands has been on my to-do list for sometime. And here is my great opportunity to explore it more closely than I have done before. I have only been there less than half…

Stay inside day?

Stay inside day?

Well, for me there is no choice…I must take Gracie for her walks. And as my Dad used to tell my brothers and me, you need to get outside to get the stink off! Translation: The kids have too much energy to be in the house LOL. Finally, a look at the low temperatures in…

Behind the dam

Behind the dam

Behind many dams, you can often find a pool of water. Black Creek Lake is no exception. On the grasslands, many times this requires traversing a fence. In fact we did just that in order to reach the pool. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the…