The ant

The ant

After the fog lifted on Sunday (5th), Jim and I took an afternoon walk on the grasslands. Indeed, it was a very pleasant temperature in the upper 60s. Unlike today’s temp, eh. In any case with the rain, no complaints here. Eventually the ant found its way out with its prey. Sometimes I have patience…

Tap tap

Tap tap

Melanerpes carolinus, or better known to most of us as the Red-bellied Woodpecker. They will build cavities both for roosting and nesting. In the case of Red-bellies, the dad will start the hole for a nest. Then mom puts the final touches in the nursery. In fact, they build a new home each season in…

A Rainbow’s Rare Sibling

A Rainbow’s Rare Sibling

Have you ever seen or heard of fogbow? Fogbows are caused by the small droplets inside fog or a cloud. These droplets are smaller than raindrops which makes a rainbow. However just like a rainbow, you will only see a fogbow facing away from the sun. So the next time fog rolls in, watch for…

Stepping off

Stepping off

We stayed on the trails mostly on the Jan. 26th outing. But this drew us off for a bit. Hey, what can I say…LOL Did you notice the critter above? I am leaning towards it as a possible Spider Wasp (Pompilidae). Furthermore, stepping out on a limb or log in this case, guessing that it…

Faces and tracks

Faces and tracks

We had stayed on the trail (Jan. 26th), but now needed a shortcut to get to another trail. So we choose an open area. The Forest Service had been cutting down some trees in that area from a previous time. We left our tracks in the wet dirt with the other critters. Furthermore, I am…

Frost Heave

Frost Heave

All of the ice was gone today. However, we did get a nice frost last night. In fact, it meant that I got my photos before 9am. While looking into frost heave and I ran across the term frost quake. I never had heard of this before. However I have witnessed ice quakes on a…

Before it melted

Before it melted

I was thinking the ice might all melt today. So I got out this morning to see what I could find. Did any of you get outside too? The ice will be gone before you know it. Our high was 35 degrees and the rain bucket has .18″. The ice was mostly gone by the…

Sticking to the trail

Sticking to the trail

On January 26th, we were scouting for a potential First Wednesday outing. Here’s what we saw! As far as a future First Wednesday trail, it was pretty muddy for the first part. Our shoes had plenty of mud stuck to them. Other parts were more sandy. Regardless the trails will make for a pleasant walk….

Only 80 acres

Only 80 acres

The unit that we were on was only about 80 acres. However, the size did not hold us back from finding great stuff! Indeed, January 24th was definitely another great outing for us. Hope you enjoyed it too! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more…



I bet many of you in North Texas watched the birds today out your window. And with the cold, sleet, thunder, and small hail, it certainly was a good day to watch! Sixteen species were seen at my feeder this morning. Additionally, on my walks I had a Red-shouldered Hawk, crows, and Blue Jays. Squabbles!…