Right where we left it in March

Right where we left it in March

More good stuff!  And lots of sunshine today. High temperature today was 80 degrees for us. We got a nice amount rain from yesterday’s storm…1.30″ Indian Blanket with a tiny beetle! Southern Purple Mint moth (Pyrausta laticlavia)! Snake Herb (Dyschoriste linearis) has an awesome throat! Texas Bindweed (Convolvulus equitans) has several colors from white to white…



More from the grasslands… Two-leaf Senna (Senna roemeriana)!   Easy to recognize because its leaflets are in pairs! Bladderpod seeds (Physaria engelmannii)! Don’t you love this spiraling grass seed burrowing into the ground. Texas Wintergrass, Texas Speargrass, or Wintergrass (Nassella leucotricha) are all names for this grass! It is a known characteristics of this grass. Thanks Jeanne…

Mystery plant confirmed!

Mystery plant confirmed!

 Back in March, Jeanne and I were checking out a spot on the grasslands to see what we could find. Well, we found a plant that had these hairs on the old stem that hurt to touch. Kathy saw my post and suggested it might be Marbleseed (Onosmodium bejariense) and also known as False Gromwell….

Benign weather pattern

Benign weather pattern

 Benign weather pattern is how NOAA called this weather we are having today and through Friday afternoon. Interesting way to put it I think. Well, since we have a benign weather pattern day today, it was perfect for visiting the grasslands. Which I did!  Today’s post will be short because…well I have a lot photos to…

A community

A community

 As I stepped out the back door to take Gracie on her walk, I stopped to look at a thistle next to the sidewalk. Thistle (Cirsium)! Mine are not blooming yet, but I have seen them blooming along the roadside. There was at the end of a leaf  something brown which I figured was a…

All critters welcome

All critters welcome

We have gotten .39″ since yesterday. It was a nice rainy day eh! And I can’t believe I still need my knitted chicken hat! Thanks Claire! I wondered if this might be a tarantula burrow? It was fairly big. Let me know what you think. The Bewick’s Wren family is growing! A top view of…



  I had big plans to work on photographing mosses, but as Jim and I  started to get up from the morning coffee, it all changed. Jim noticed a piece of wood with a hole in the end and then the moth in my jar (sitting on the shelf in the shop)! I have been…

Styrofoam peanuts!

Styrofoam peanuts!

Bewick’s wren nest with 4 eggs. After the size and color of the eggs, the twigs seal the deal for a Bewick’s. The Bold Jumping spider! Don’t the white spots look like eyes and a mouth. I think the “eyes” look like they have eyelashes. I saw this grass blade folded and wondered what did…

False Indigo!

False Indigo!

This is the second half of the Thursday’s outing.  American Lady! I was pleased I could get this close. Most of the butterflies lately have not been so cooperative.  Square-bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri) is the typical one we see in North Texas with the yellow center. Square-bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri ssp pinifolius) is the special…



Back to the Garnett Preserve! The Ambush Bug and the Crab Spider on the Green Milkweed. I could not tell if one of them had nabbed the other. New orange growth on the Prickly Pear cactus! I love this look on the Prickly Pear too! Ratany (Krameria lanceolata) is a beauty, but the seed heads…