

The Internet is being flaky here at my house tonight. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If the photo is there, it is a Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva aurea).

The Chase

The Chase

A little warmer than yesterday with high of 82f. Still was pretty darn pleasant out, eh! On the way out the back door I stopped to check the smartweed. A small black wasp bore watching. It was very interesting seeing it curl and unfurl its antenna multiple times. So why? For sure it knew why….

Called it a Day

Called it a Day

We were down in the creek area for almost two plus hours. Male cockatoos have the beat Science reveals flowering plants survived K-Pg extinction Ancient Tracks Reveal Oldest Evidence of Footwear Ever Found Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Pop Goes the…

Pop Goes the…

Still no rain today. 🙁 Unless you count the few drops that fell. Fingers crossed for the chances forecasted this week. The creek post continues now. I did not grow up in Texas. So Sesbania was new to me when I moved here. Hence I did not know about this fun trick that Jeanne was…



No complains here on the high temperature today of 76f! Though you might hear me grumbling about the no rain. However a fortunate few got some showers. Continuing on at the creek. Indeed some great butterflies and moths flittered around at the creek on the 8th! I also saw Cloudless Sulphurs, Little Yellows and other…

Ahh, the Creek

Ahh, the Creek

Creeks are really wonderful just like the ravines to me. And that has been the focus for the last few drive-abouts. We were barely getting started. So more tomorrow from the creek! NSF invests millions to unite Indigenous knowledge with Western science Ancient Supervolcano in US May Hide Largest Lithium Deposit Ever Found Keep looking!…

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

The first part of the drive-about on Friday (8th) was out on the back roads in Cooke County. And that day was very hot. A lot more pleasant today, eh! Since these animals are herbivores they seemed to get along. However when watching closely you never know what excitement awaits. 🙂 Next stop was at…



Enough already of the heat, eh! In fact the high was 111F yesterday at our house. With that in mind yesterday, Jeanne and I headed out for a drive about. 🙂 We encountered two showers. The second one was much heavier then the first. It started to eat it way out of the 1mm egg….

Saxon Park

Saxon Park

On Labor Day Claire took us to Saxon Park (Norman). So I could not find any info specifically about the park. However there was a lot about John Saxon and his gift of $30 million to OU. So presumably the park had something to do with him. The park has a 1.8 mile trail, part…

The Yard

The Yard

We spent the whole holiday weekend at Claire’s house in Norman. Claire’s goal has been to have all the native plants she can fit in their lot. In fact it was the typical suburban lot when they moved in a few years ago. The front yard now has a veggie garden and native plants in…