Imagination required

Imagination required

When I was growing up on a hot summer day, we were banned from inside the house. My dad worked the night shift so he was sleeping during the daytime. We did not have AC so it did not matter, inside or outside. So we sat around in the shade playing cards, played cars or…



This morning I checked in on Carol Clark’s blog and found that she an excellent explanation of the differences in Green Milkweed and Antelope Horns Milkweed. So check out her post on “Green Milkweed and Antelope Horns Milkweed, Let’s sort those out!“! She has done some other great posts you might want to look over…

Cool Beetle

Cool Beetle

A few years ago while out surveying on the grasslands, I came across this cool beetle. I thought it was a moth, but Suzanne who was with me, knew that it was a beetle. It does not look like the typical beetle. There are always new things to learn! Articles: The Alchemists Had It Right?…

A few beetles

A few beetles

We had company today! My nephews were here and we had a grand time. We looked at bugs, fossils (Devil’s Toenails), and snake vertebras. Of course they took some home. Well, not the bugs. Keep looking!

Spider webs and stuff

On this morning walk, the spider web is what caught my eye first. The funnel spider webs were most interesting to me on the thickness and where they put them. I wondered how spiders catch something when some have such visible webs. At least a lot of them are so visible to us. Then I…

Brown-eyed Susan

Brown-eyed Susan

What a beautiful flower that is going strong right now. The color is spectacular! The critters that visit them are cool too! So many creatures use the Brown-eyed Susans. And all of the above was found just today! In a Remote Amazon Region, Study Shows Indigenous Peoples Have Practiced Forest Conservation for Millennia Keep looking!

Two cats and a dog

Two cats and a dog

Yesterday was such a cool morning! I just had to go for a hike at the grasslands. It was perfect weather. Articles: Smelling in Stereo: The Real Reason Snakes Have Flicking, Forked Tongues Smaller Bodies, Longer Wings, Earlier Migrations: Untangling the Multiple Impacts of Climate Warming on Birds Two cats and Gracie! What fun! Keep…

Small stuff

Small stuff

Do you stop to smell the roses? That is for your olfactory sense. My olfactory sense is not very good as some of you know. So I explore the small parts of things with my vision sense instead (use what you got LOL). Stuff that needs you to get right close to it. Here are…

National Pollinator Week

National Pollinator Week

It has come to my attention that it is National Pollinator Week, June 21-27th. Of course every day, we should be trying to care for our pollinators, but this week is a week to celebrate the pollinators in our lives. The future of our planet depends on the biodiversity! Only about two drops of rain…



The sky was all blue except for a wisp of a cloud on the horizon and I thought rainbow. What is this crazy woman thinking. Well it is Pride Month, so I thought I would celebrate that by finding the six colors in nature! Diversity is what makes our planet so wonderful! A Proclamation on…