

This was not the forecast for the First Wednesday outing. But that is what we got overcast to foggy. And still it turned out great! A beautiful birding day it had turned out. Light pollution is getting worse, but there is a movement to make our skies dark again Physicists Confirm The Existence of a…

A Return Trip

A Return Trip

Jeanne and I made another trip back to visit Austin’s place. I had a couple of plants I decided I wanted to collect for the herbarium. Newly Deciphered, 4,000-Year-Old Cuneiform Tablets Used Lunar Eclipses to Predict Major Events Tough plastics broken down sustainably with common chemical, sunlight, air Keep looking! The more you know, the…

A Great Find

A Great Find

Since most of the units over at Caddo NG are rather large it will take many trips to try to cover the territory. Even then some parts we will never see. Just too far to go on a day trip for us. Doesn’t mean we won’t try our best. LOL. What a great new species…

Tuesday Drive-about

Tuesday Drive-about

Since it was pretty chilly on Tuesday (9th) a drive-about was in order. Besides I wanted to check on a plant. 🙂 Jeanne and Kate agreed to go along. More tomorrow! This is the oldest fossilized reptile skin ever found — it pre-dates the dinosaurs In Graphic Detail: Sea Turtle Feminization Keep looking! The more…

Faces and tracks

Faces and tracks

We had stayed on the trail (Jan. 26th), but now needed a shortcut to get to another trail. So we choose an open area. The Forest Service had been cutting down some trees in that area from a previous time. We left our tracks in the wet dirt with the other critters. Furthermore, I am…

Bump in the night

Bump in the night

So I have been plotting on a way to see exactly who was leaving tracks in the sandy loam in our woods. Yes, I can tell in general most the time what is leaving the tracks. However, I want to see who exactly are leaving the little tracks. Pushy plants? Student discovery ‘adds new dimension…

The sunshine!

The sunshine!

The sunshine is back! So naturally, I took some photos of the ice and snow in the sunshine. Lyme and other tick-borne diseases are on the rise. But why? Percy Julian the trailblazer Premieres WED FEB 9 at 9/8c on PBS: SECRETS IN THE SCAT Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see…



The ravines on the grasslands are magical. As a result, they draw us down into their depths. You just never know what a waits you around the next bend in a ravine! Finally if you did not catch this on PBS this week, I highly recommend watching it…My Garden of a Thousand Bees. Indeed the…