Saxon Park

Saxon Park

On Labor Day Claire took us to Saxon Park (Norman). So I could not find any info specifically about the park. However there was a lot about John Saxon and his gift of $30 million to OU. So presumably the park had something to do with him. The park has a 1.8 mile trail, part…

The Yard

The Yard

We spent the whole holiday weekend at Claire’s house in Norman. Claire’s goal has been to have all the native plants she can fit in their lot. In fact it was the typical suburban lot when they moved in a few years ago. The front yard now has a veggie garden and native plants in…

Ruby Grant

Ruby Grant

Over the long holiday weekend we headed north to green Oklahoma! And yes it is much greener up there. In Norman, a 1/2 inch was recorded last night. Lucky dogs! 🙂 They needed the rain too. Now please send some to us in Texas, eh. Norman residents and visitors are lucky to have the Ruby…



Animals are certainly a favorite subject. And many a dramatic event can occur if you wait long enough. Now the drama! It was eating an aphid! And the other aphids seemed to be oblivious to their mate getting eaten. Maybe the others did not like that mate. 😉 More drama but slower drama. LOL “No…

The Edge

The Edge

The shores of the ponds and lakes host a whole different plant and animal communities. Indeed these organisms have found their niche living on the edge! Three-Eyed “Dinosaur Shrimp” Are Waking Up At Burning Man Climate Change’s Deadly Legacy: How Rising Temperatures Fueled Ancient Aggression Mars brain terrain resembles a human brain Keep looking! The…

Moving at a Snail’s Pace

Moving at a Snail’s Pace

Well, I actually don’t known the speed of a snail. Hmmm, it seems they are relativity fast. In fact most snails can travel at around 0.02 miles per hour. But I digress, there are no snails in this post. However most times I move at a snail’s pace. LOL Next we left the barrens for…

How Many Shots

How Many Shots

Thank goodness for digital cameras! I would not be able to afford the processing of a film camera with all the shots I take. So of course thank goodness for the digital cameras so we can document so much! How Much Will New Fossil Fuel Projects Harm Polar Bears? We Can Now Calculate It A…

Pretty Dry, eh

Pretty Dry, eh

So it has been a while since we have had any substantial rain in North Texas. But Monday morning (28th) was fairly cool relative to recent mornings. So Jeanne and I headed over to the grasslands to check it out. More tomorrow! Don’t forget there is a super duper blue supermoon tonight. And the show…

A Hoot and a Holler

A Hoot and a Holler

The day had been most splendid. Of course we topped it off with cool treats at DQ on the way home. I bet you can tell this has kinda become our thing lately. LOL So with a hoot and holler we left our echoes behind. And I imagine if Suzanne and Kate (who were on…



So the word rill is another name for a small stream. Indeed I love a good rill. LOL However I don’t think the definition of a rill would fit this creek. Stream Terminology and Definitions describes the terms of running water that occupies a channel. This creek did not have any running water currently. However…