Erosion rocks

Erosion rocks

Erosion was and still is a battle on the grasslands. However, erosion areas are a great place to look for rocks and petrified wood. The wood is not actually wood any longer of course. It is known as a replacement fossil unlike an impression fossil. TxDOT has a neat poster of Texas Rocks & Fossils….

A Greenbriar’s smile

A Greenbriar’s smile

The erosion area was most interesting. However, there was a rise to one side that I could not see over. Thus it called for an investigation as well. Reaching the top of the rise, I looked down the other side. Oh my gosh, a bright green spot. I mean bright. Of course, I had to…



Today was a very nice day even if it was a bit breezy. The temperature certainly made up for the wind. Happy New Year’s Eve or just Happy New Year’s (depending on when you read this ;-)! I hope the New Year brings abundant happiness and good health for all. Keep looking! The more you…

In the open field

In the open field

After we left the woods, we gazed across the brown grass. Pretty boring right? Wrong! This was just a sampling of what can be found hiding in plain sight. Additionally, there are plenty of mosses to observe hidden among the grasses. But I will let Jeanne, identify them. 😉 “Nobody Saw This Coming” – Scientists…

No photos

No photos

On the last leg of the Dec. 19th outing, we came across two birds. Both were fast and far away. Thus no photos attempted. First one was the American Woodcock! Its whistling wings are characteristic. Second bird was a Brown Creeper. A small bird that only goes up the tree hunting for insects. Indeed cool…

Japanese watercolor

Japanese watercolor

Sometimes when taking photos of stuff, I see things that will remind me of paintings. Maybe you too? 5 Extreme Times Tardigrades Proved Themselves to Be Incredibly Resilient NASA Satellites Help Scientists Track Staggering Wetlands Loss in Louisiana A study of polar bear paw papillae shows how they maintain traction on ice Keep looking! The…

Odds and ends

Odds and ends

A few more treasures from the Dec 15th outing. Indeed, a wonderful day! Male Wasps Have Been Seen Using Their Genitals as Weapons Against Predators Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Off my list

Off my list

In yesterday’s post, you saw we were sticking as close as we could to the creek. It certainly was not easy traveling on the north side of the creek. What a nice find, the Woolly Lip Fern! Another one checked off my bucket list for the grasslands. 2-meter-long arthropods dominated the seas 470 million years…

Fungi and a lichen

Fungi and a lichen

Of course many of you know that fungi and lichens have a lot in common. The main difference is that lichens have learned to “farm”. Meaning that the fungus part of a lichen uses the algae or cyanobacteria to help with its nutritional needs. The fungus has been lichenized. The scientific names refer to fungal…

Which way

Which way

Most of the time when we head out to the grasslands, I have not planned a course. Well, maybe just a general direction. For the most part, I feel karma leads us. LOL New Theory Suggests That the Origin of Life on Earth-Like Planets Is Likely Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…