5.38 miles

5.38 miles

 That’s how far Gracie went on the grasslands yesterday. Humans went only 2+ miles in the three and half hours.  A good part of the day was in the gullies and the creek bed. The side of some of the gullies were this red sandy/clay loam. Roots and red sandy/clay loam were beautiful! From the…

Baby pine cone

Baby pine cone

This caught my eye in the driveway. A baby pine cone must have blown off in yesterday’s wind. It was about 15 mm (1/2″). So pretty.  Closer yet. I wonder how far this fluffy down feather got blown yesterday? Leaf beetle (Chrysolina auripennis) was a surprising find today. Host plants for it are Beebalm (Monarda)…

Larva out on a cold day

Larva out on a cold day

What was this larva doing out on this cold day? It was only in the lower 40’s, but at least the sun was out eh. Yesterday’s stinkhorn was breaking it ties to the grass. I found a second one near by today. It seems to be in rougher shape.  Keep looking!  

Merry Christmas to ALL!     and Part III   Rocks, dirt, and mud insect nests

Merry Christmas to ALL! and Part III Rocks, dirt, and mud insect nests

I hope everyone gets time to celebrate nature this holiday season.  These are the last of the photos from Tuesday’s adventure. First big petrified wood! But wait…there was second big chunk of petrified wood further along! I like this photo because of the rainbow glare surrounding the sandstone. The honeycomb rocks were cool in the…

Untitled Post

Untitled Post

 Pleasant day eh! Wispy cirrus clouds  form between 16,500 and 45,000 feet. The ant and the Darkling Beetle (maybe Eleodes tricostata). Both went their separate ways. This ground beetle was making a meal of the leftover pecan. Maybe in the Pterostichus genus. Milkweed fluff. Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata) standing tall! Not sure what plant this is,…

Sunshine is back!

Sunshine is back!

 Yeah, for the sunshine I say but of course grateful for the rain we got. The wood of a dead Live Oak (Quercus fusiformis). Kinda of an oxymoron, eh. A few scales left on the armadillo tail. Snake skin in our garden pond. The Loggerhead Shrike has a new item on its menu…the  field cricket…



On  October 27, 2017 we had sleet (at least at my house). Glad it is not a repeat performance today. Thirty-three degrees is the lowest we have had today. That is cold enough for me. Sure makes Gracie frisky. Drips on honeysuckle vine. Drips on Frostweed (Verbesina virginica). Drips on the grasshopper (might be Chortophaga…

On the fence

On the fence

 Are you on the fence? I’m not and I have voted BUT this is not about that. The following is about stuff on the fence, my barbwire fence! The Loggerhead Shrike was quite busy storing its cache on the fence. This beetle was still twitching so it was very fresh. Maybe the Loggerhead Shrike’s poop?…