Quick sand!

So the right short branch of the creek was most interesting. Of course, we tend to find something no matter which way we turn. Always something to see right! And now we continue to the left.

On the bank, this moss seem to be cascading down!

A pleated white and orange mushroom!

The underside was awesome because the sunlight above let some color show through!

Here a wood boring beetle has made a D shaped hole. Accordingly, this can give a clue to what species it is. In this example a flattened exit hole is often a sign of a metallic wood-boring beetle (Buprestidae).

Indeed this bolete mushroom was being consumed by another fungi. This is evident from the oozing enzymes and the white frosty coating.

In this case, the bolete mushroom had fungi consuming it too, but also had been nibbled on as well!

This is the same bolete from above, but a bottom view.

The typical blue staining for this particular species of bolete fungus.

Eastern Red Cedar roots over creek.

Atrichum and Fissidens mossses!

Red and black aphids on Frostweed!

Frostweed (Verbesina virginica) hosts a Nursery Web Spider (Pisaurina genus)!

Finally, a reason to watch and test where you step in a sandy creek bottom, quick sand!

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


    1. Suzanne, Love your info. So your clue sent me to BugGuide. It seems that there are more Buprestids that do a D hole. And at least one more that likes Ash (Fraxinus species). BugGuide says “The only other Agrilus sp. that hosts on Fraxinus spp. (and hence has the same characteristic “D” shaped exit hole) is: Agrilus subcinctus Gory- Range: e US to NM but note that A. subcinctus primarily hosts in recently dead ash twigs. https://bugguide.net/node/view/27565

      So sounds like there are more D hole makers, but you need to watch out where and what species of tree. Very interesting!

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